Monday, October 22, 2012

Becoming Self-sufficient

Getting back to our roots and working on the land is fast becoming the reality for most. With recycling and being green our new priority, being self-sufficient is on the rise. It's easy too! Whether you're tree surgeons in the city or a carpenter in the country, you can help everyone on their way to going green.

Use The Solar System To Power Your Home

Going green isn't as hard as you'd think - you can start right at home on your sofa! Solar panels are a great way of saving you money, and helping reduce your carbon footprint. They absorb the sunlight and use it to power electrical in your home, such as your TV. So now when you're watching Eastenders, you won't feel so guilty about using electricity!

Grow Your Own

Being self-sufficient needn't stop there - why not grow your own vegetables? Thousands of people across the country grow their own veg and its easier then you think! Start with something easy like lettuces and herbs. Once you get a hang of things you can experiment with other veg - like onions, potatoes and sweet corn. Before you know it, you'll be eating more vegetables and spending less in the supermarket!

Here's An Egg-cellent Idea!

Chickens are the new ideal pet for homeowners. They require little effort on your part, but reward you with fresh eggs time and time again. Chickens prefer living in a spacious coop - so if you have a large garden, why not invest in some chickens? You'll be set for eggs, and could even sell some for an extra bit of cash!

Felling Trees For Firewood

For those keen on becoming almost totally self-sufficient, you may want to look into using fire as a means of heat. Central heating is expensive but necessary during the cold British winters. In summer however, you can use a log burning fire at night to warm the house. By doing so you'll start saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. If you own woodland, it will be best to use tree surgeons in the city and other areas to fell the trees. It's the safest and easiest option to get some wood as soon as possible!

Create Your Own Circle Of Life

Planting fruit trees is a great way of using the land to replace trees felled for firewood. They also provide delicious treats! Apple trees are the most common but why not try planting raspberry and blackberry bushes too. That way you can make an ultimate apple and berry pie!

Wassells Aboricultural Services Ltd is a small family business with over 35 years experience working as tree surgeons in London. They provide an expert service in all aspects of tree surgery and management. For more on tree surgeons in London visit

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