Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Few Unique Dominican Republic Customs

Human idiosyncrasies are fascinating, are they not? How about that guy on the bus who is always dressed as a pirate, carries a ladies purse and has a rusty old dagger on the front of his walker? Now those are some odd quirks! Or, what about Western society's general aversion to the number 13? In the 21st century we still build towering skyscrapers with modern technology, but don't include a number '13' in the floor numbering system. There must be solid reasons for all of these peculiarities, but to the outsider it must seem a little odd. The same goes for the Dominican Republic.

Viva Po Roo - otherwise known as Vicks Vapor Rub, the Dominican people consider it a cure all. Upset stomach? Slather on some viva po roo. Headache? Viva po roo. The Black Plague? Viva po roo. Smelling like Grandma's bed sheets in the end, is the only issue.

No showers after eating - the Dominican people have strong feelings about this taboo. Make sure that you don't let any of the locals know that you plan to shower after having a large meal. The fear is you will get a cramp and possibly tumble in pain, injuring oneself. At least that is the theory.

Fridge Face - When the tropical heat has worked its way through to your bones and you feel the skin melting off your face, do not under any circumstances open the refrigerator. If you happen to open the fridge when feeling hot, it is thought by some in the Dominican, that your face will be frozen in it's expression for the rest of your days.

Clap! - Applause is the common response on any plane that lands in the DR. Once a plane has landed, Dominicans tend to be somewhat overjoyed, so they clap and embrace, and throw a bit of holy water around once grounded. Presidente Beer - Young men and women can be found pouring Presidente beer over their bodies at the beach, in a display reminiscent of people applying tanning oil. In truth, they believe it is a sort of tanning lotion and therefore slather it on. No word on if it actually works.

So, there you have it. Dominicans who buy into the healing qualities of Vicks Vapor Rub will smell like menthol, and if they don't smell like menthol then they may smell like Presidente Beer. Don't point and laugh, just take it all in with a smile and remember you are a guest in the country. And don't forget to clap as the plane lands.

At you can use the internet to plan and book your travel arrangements, while finding the best travel deals around the world. You can make your vacation plans come to life when you use our easy online booking option. For an incredible time we suggest the Iberostar Punta Cana today.

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The Lasting Effects Of The Mayans

When western based explorers discovered Mayan ruins in the late 19th century (*and early 20th century as well), they likely had no idea that their findings would lead to a cultural fascination that exists to this day. The present day interest and fascination with Mayan culture is not without reason. This was a society that possessed no discernible metals, nor did they possess wheels, and yet they were clearly an advanced society in many other areas as evidenced by their building construction and architecture.

Mayan Hieroglyphs are also another indicator of their intelligence as a society; today with the understanding we have of the various eras of our planet's past inhabitants, we can still not entirely understand what the hieroglyphs mean or signify. Many elements of Mayan society and hierarchy have been pieced together by today's scholars and scientists, and still we view them as a mystery. According to some, Mayans were a peaceful people, living in complete harmony with the land. To others, they were savages who relied on bloody sacrifices and ceremonies to appease their superstitious beliefs.

Today, in the early 21st century Mayan culture has, for most of us not in the fields of science or exploration, been reduced to a series of myths and legends; cultural significance has taken a back seat to commerce overall, so that now even people who have a deep interest, only see the remnants of the culture from a chartered tour bus. There is no sense of mystery there, and worse yet, no relevance.

On the other hand, one can't completely blame the tourist industry and the rise of mass tourism, for the generalizations and watering down of the facts of Mayan culture. In 1519, when Cortes arrived on the shores of the Yucatan, Mayan culture was already close to 4000 years old; many of their great buildings and cites were already lost to nature, having been reduced to what we classify as ruins today. Temples were left to nature and along with them many customs of their culture also disappeared. Mayan temples and other buildings that were still intact, were largely destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors, as the Spanish erected their own churches in their stead. Cultural eradication has been a regular occurrence well before the implementation of tourism. However, it was not only limited to the destruction of cities and the buildings within them; many elements of culture and history were destroyed in Mani-Merida, by a Spanish Bishop (*Diego deLanda) who conducted ruthless ceremonies of public penance (*called 'auto-da-fe') against locals for their differing religious beliefs. The locals were tortured and killed because they were labeled heretics. Part of these 'ceremonies' involved the burning of books that contained non-Spanish beliefs; Bishop Diego burned down a treasury of Mayan history books during one such rampage and in one single instance, a major portion of Mayan culture was gone forever. Today, only a few books remain intact.

The remnants of Mayan culture are generally concentrated into three areas of the Yucatan - Tulum and Chichen Itza in Mexico and Tikal in Guatemala. Tulum and Chichen Itza are quite popular as they are easily accessible from nearby Cancun; day trips from the resort are plentiful and are the method by which many visitors are able to experience Mayan culture in person. Because the Tikal site is not close to a major tourist destination like Cancun, the experience of visiting it is different than the Cancun-based tours - Tikal will be much quieter and less crowded.

For those seeking a singular, non-tourist experience, by wading through a steamy jungle, with only a local tour guide and a handful of others, as you hope to come upon a clearing or valley with a new heretofore undiscovered civilization - you may be out of luck. But this is no reason to pass on the chance to see the remains of the Mayan culture; sure, some of the larger tour groups may in fact be selling a romanticized, drive-by version of Mayan culture, but there are many tour services that operate as a means of supporting what remains of the culture, and provide an encounter that is based more on fact than myth.

Globalization has perhaps made Mayan culture more relevant than ever; cultures of our past, now regarded as 'primitive', are becoming more important, and as more and more of the world becomes homogenized and streamlined, cultural exclusions like the Mayan civilization, only gain importance and stature. While tourism may not be the preferred platform by which to experience our past, it does not decrease the enigmatic nature of any of it, nor does it diminish our fascination.

At you can use the internet to plan and book your travel arrangements, while finding the best travel deals around the world. You can make your vacation plans come to life when you use our easy online booking option. For an incredible time we suggest krystal Cancun today.

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Making Math Fun For Your Kids

Children often say that they don't complete their homework or don't pass their tests because the subject in question is "too boring." While children will eventually have to accept that not everything in life is extremely fun, you can help to make math a bit more intriguing to them.

Using Math in Everyday Life

The next time you're out to dinner, let your child be responsible for figuring out the bill. Show him or her how to use a calculator or how to figure out the numbers mentally. You can also have children help you bake at home and ask them to measure out the ingredients. Make a couple of cookies that have the wrong amount of ingredients in them to show how important math is in daily life.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Sometimes, children become bored because they would rather be studying a different subject. You could talk to the teacher(s) about his or her plans for making interdisciplinary connections. Chat with your child's English tutor and maths tutor too. For example, they might be able to come up with some word problems together that stress the importance of both reading skills and mathematical skills.

Math Games

Children generally love to play games, so invest in a few for your home game closet. They do not necessarily have to be all about math, but they can involve math components such as counting money. You could purchase some math flashcards or math trivia, and ask your children to quiz one another. You could also hold a weekly math trivia session in which all of your offspring compete. Offer a prize, one day off from chores for example, to the person who gets the most questions correct.

Field Trips

Even if the school doesn't have any such field trips scheduled, you can go on them independently. Find the home of a famous mathematician that is open for tours, or head to the local science museum. You'll find plenty of displays and experiments that rely upon math. Museums designed for children will likely have interactive activities for them as well.

If you feel that your child is struggling in math, have a talk with the teacher. Maybe he or she has suggestions for what you could do at home to improve your child's experience in math. Essentially, you want to create more of an interest in the subject to encourage your child to learn.

This article was provided to you by Number Works New Zealand, for more information on finding the best Math tutor for your child visit us at .

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Essential Things To Know About Overseas Teaching Jobs

If you're from a nation where there are inadequate teaching jobs or being a school teacher does not earn you the salary you necessitate to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, then you probably have your sights on educating overseas. Your teaching background in your own country may serve as a beneficial foundation for you, but you have to determine the other issues that make overseas teaching jobs really different from what you have in notice.

For instance, in other nations, corporal punishment is admissible in many of the universities. You may be quite set in your own label of discipline for your learners but you have to realize that this form of knowledge domain action practiced by the educators in the country because culture always comes into play. Here are other stuff that you would need to determine regarding overseas teaching jobs.

*If you're considering other well known nations, there's a difference in the spelling of phrases, enunciation, idiomatic expressions and even grammar if you're well trained in American English.

*Teaching English as a subject? You would still have to educate yourself on the non-standard speech of the region because English as a course is completely different from English as a manner of instruction. Even high school students in nations that don't speak English are not trained English utilizing the English as the dialect of direction; all instruction manuals are directed in the native speech and even at that level of schooling, pupils still have minor English vocabulary so you would simply have to go with the non-standard speech to ensure that the students follow you.

*A few cultures are very sensitive and you should be careful not to offend anybody in your "unique" representation of the courses. Religion is always important in some countries, and there are fairly typical practices in other society that are not conciliable in such countries. Also, give consideration to the traditionalistic knowledge of the educational institution; a good pat on the back may be considered unsuitable. In Thailand, a pat on the head is great disappointed because the head is a very worthy part of the body. It's advisable to read up and do your research so you do not present lesson materials and carry out inspirational practices that will become too contentious and earn the ire of parents and school representatives.

*Many institutions are very dedicated with the way of presentation for the lessons and active presentations may be frowned upon. Make sure to get a good direction from your department head regarding how classes are wanted to be practiced for the classes.

You may find all of these very confining but these are realities of life that you need to be prepared for starting your teaching career in the other nation.

Career opportunities for teachers are preferably excellent since they have a great task that can develop the future.

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How To Help Your Child Prepare For The SAT

Wouldn't it be nice if kids these days truly understood how important a good education is for their future? While some kids seem to grasp this concept, many of them are more focused on dressing in style and having a good time than they are on preparing for important educational milestones such as the SAT. Because you know that your child's SAT score will help determine which colleges or universities they will be accepted to, it is important that you help your child prepare for the SAT test and assessment so that they can get a great score that will help them throughout the rest of their life. Here are a few things that you can do as a parent to prepare your child for their upcoming SAT test.

Encourage Your Child To Challenge Themselves

If you allow your child to enroll in only the easiest high school courses, they won't feel the need to challenge themselves and will more likely be satisfied with mediocrity. This in turn could affect the way that they prepare for and perform on their SAT assessment. If you encourage your child to take challenging, college-level classes, they will be learning advanced material that will help them to pass the SAT with a satisfying score. If you start challenging your child academically at an early age, you will be preparing them over the years for important educational highlights such as the SAT. Just remember not to challenge them too much, or they may become averse to learning.

Hire A Tutor

Hiring a tutor is one of the best ways to help your child strengthen weak subject areas and prepare for the SAT. Most kids have educational subjects that come naturally to them, as well as subjects that are very difficult for them to grasp. If you hire a good tutor that is able to use entertaining and effective methods to help your child learn difficult subjects, then they will be more likely to get a good score on their SAT test. The key is to find a tutor who has a lot of experience teaching the subjects that your child needs the most, and whose personality and learning styles mesh with your child's learning needs.

Help Your Child Take Practice Tests

While they are many opportunities for your child to take practice SAT tests online or from a book, you can really help them to prepare by assisting them with their practice tests. Rather than having your child take the practice tests all by themselves, you can schedule a practice test time in your home and then actually time them during their test so that the experience is more authentic. Once they are finished with the practice test and have found out which answers they got correct and incorrect, you can help them to understand why they got certain answers wrong. This can become a valuable learning experience as you help them understand how to do the problem correctly and get the right answer.

If you follow the above suggestions, you will be able to help your child adequately prepare for the SAT so that they will be more likely to get a score that they can be proud of.

Lawrence Reaves writes for School Tutoring Academy, - a private tutoring company specializing in SAT prep programs. For more information on their company and programs, visit their website here:

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The Benefits Of Having An After-School Tutor

If your child is having trouble in school, then you should definitely consider hiring a tutor. A tutor is a private instructor who works with small groups of students. There are some tutors who even provide one on one attention. There are numerous advantages that come along with hiring a tutor. Below are some of those advantages:

Better Grades

Teachers are great, but they may not be giving your child the attention that he or she needs. A child who is struggling in a particular subject needs individualized attention. A tutor can give your child the individualized attention that he or she needs to master the difficult concepts. Your child will most likely have better grades after he or she has worked with a tutor for a few weeks.

Identify Learning Problems

A learning problem could be the barrier that is keeping your child from doing well in a particular subject. A maths tutor or English tutor can help identify that problem. In many cases, a tutor can help a child overcome this problem.

Informal Atmosphere

Many children feel pressured and nervous when they are in the classroom. Because tutoring usually takes place in an informal environment, it can help your child feel more relaxed. A child is more likely to learn in a relaxed environment.

You Will Know That Your Child Is Safe

The majority of the crimes committed against children are done during the times that the parents are working. You will have the peace of mind knowing that your child is safe if he or she is enrolled in an after school tutoring program. Furthermore, after school tutoring can help keep your child out of trouble. Studies have shown that children who stay busy are less likely to commit crimes.

Increased Confidence

Children who perform poorly in the classroom often suffer from low self-esteem. If your child's grades improve, then his or her confidence will most likely increase. Confident children are more likely to grow into confident adults.

Again, if your child is not doing well in school, then you should consider hiring a tutor. Not only will tutoring help your child improve his or her grades, but it will also help identify learning problems. Additionally, tutoring provides your child with a safe environment and can help increase confidence.

Getting a tutor is a good idea when you notice your child's grades slipping. Sometimes all he needs is a tutor to get him back on track.

This article was provided to you by Number Works Australia, for more information on finding the best Maths & English Tutors in Melbourne visit us at .

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Democracy And Stability

Central America may not be the first place people think about when planning a safe and fun vacation. The history of the area has been rife with political problems, military uprisings and dictatorships. There is, though, one country in the area that put all that to bed in the late 1940s and have since enjoyed a period of peace and stability unknown in the rest of Central America.

The country that we're focusing on, is naturally, the lush and scenic locale of Costa Rica. Costa Rica didn't always have things so good, even though the country enjoys a democracy today. Costa Rica has endured two fairly recent periods of upheaval. The first was the dictatorial rule of General Federico Tinoco Granados from 1917 to 1919. Tinoco was eventually overthrown and driven into exile. As a result of Tinoco's reign there was a decrease in the political strength, size and wealth of the military.

The next, and bloodiest, period of conflict occurred in the late 1940s. An election between incumbent president Rafael Angle Calderon Guardia and Otilio Ulate Blanco was disputed, and this led to unrest and armed conflict. Blanco won the election by 10,000 votes, but the congress, which was controlled by Calderon, declared Blanco's votes null and void.

At this point Calderon seized power, which in turn instigated a coup led by the popular Jose Figueres Ferre. The revolution was on and Calderon's forces consisted of the Costa Rica army and a communist guerrilla militia. Jose Figueres Ferre and his rebel forces were not to be outdone and after fourty-four days and 2000 deaths the revolution was over and the Costa Rican military was defeated.

Ferre instituted the model for democracy that still exists in Costa Rica, and he avoided setting himself up as a long-term leader; he remained in power for one year only. Ferre returned power to the previously elected Blanco in 1949, when in a surprise move, he gave up his presidency. Today, Ferre is treated as a national hero in Costa Rica.

It is interesting to note that Ferre did, on three occasions, hold the position of President of Costa Rica. He served a brief term from 1948-1949 (as mentioned earlier) and full terms in 1953-1958 and 1970-1974. During his time in office, the three most noteworthy things he accomplished were the removable of the Costa Rican army, nationalizing the banking sector and giving blacks and women the right to vote.

Around the world and in Central America specifically, Costa Rica is today a model for democracy. Since Ferre, there have been thirteen presidential elections that have been well received by the international community as being fair and transparent.

In addition to the democratic reforms, Costa Rica can also boast an excellent healthcare system. It has the second highest life expectancy in the Americas, higher even than the United States. The average life expectancy in Costa Rica is 79.3 years (as of 2010). There is even a region in Costa Rica (the Nicoya Peninsula) that has been designated a Blue Zone. A Blue Zone is defined as and area where life expectancy past the age of 100 is not uncommon.

The education reforms that occurred in Costa Rica were also partly due to Ferre. In 1949, after the army was dismantled, it was said that the "army would be replaced with an army of teachers." Costa Rica has one of the highest literacy rates in Latin America at almost 95%. Both elementary and high school have mandatory attendance. For those wishing to continue their education there is an enviable university system there, as well as financial aid to help students from poor families.

At you can use the internet to plan and book your travel arrangements, while finding the best travel deals around the world. You can make your vacation plans come to life when you use our easy online booking option. For an incredible time we suggest Tamarindo Diria today.

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Health Courses: Growth And Gains

Registering in health courses in order to work in the medical field is not only about saving other people's lives - it saves your own too. It delivers lots of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Even though the topics you have to study tend to be more complicated, the gains you receive in the future are certainly worth the sacrifice.

Stability is the first benefit. In today's economic climate, selecting a health-related career is probably one of the safest moves a student could make. There is a continuous job demand and the salary is rewarding too. Different men and women from all ages and all walks of life will forever be in need of medical care, consultation, and support. Unlike other fields that tend to boom and bust with respect to the world's growth and economic cycles, this field is consistent, which means qualified personnel are more secure and stable. Demographics is another factor that leads to stability. Most developed nations face a demographic shift ahead of them. This shift is caused by the constant rise in the aging population and the decreasing number of births. Additional care and services will be needed due to the large number of those who belong to the aged group.

The second benefit is compensation. The benefits that await you are numerous, which means that the challenges you have experienced in school are all worth it. Personnel are hard to find and difficult to replace because jobs in this career require specialised skills and education. To keep their employees with them, companies offer great pay and benefits. The more highly skilled you are, the higher your pay will be.

The next advantages are versatility and flexibility. This field offers different types of opportunities in all kinds of settings. Your expertise, skills, and training will determine whether you can work directly with the patients, operate the complex machines and equipment, or remain in labs where you can use your knowledge in creating medications or doing research. This career is not limited to people in scrub suits or white coats, and does not imply that you will immediately work in a hospital. Work settings have become more diverse through the years. Professionals in the health industries are required in almost all settings like schools, planes, armed service camps, and so much more. Jobs are designed for all experience and education levels workers have.

The final but most promising advantage about care courses is being given the opportunity to make a positive change in the world. This industry is a very intimate one and many lives are changed and saved through your services.

The author writes for which provides information regarding health courses.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

An Introduction to Unique Bid Auctions

Welcome to a new wave in online shopping - unique bid auctions!

The best way to describe how these unique bid auctions work, is a kind of cross between playing a game, and going shopping. Intrigued?

OK, maybe we were exaggerating slightly there, but...allow us to explain. Unique bid auctions are without doubt one of the most revolutionary concepts to smash through the online shopping space since the invention of the internet itself!

Here is how it works. Shoppers or any interested people in fact, can go online and browse through a list of items for sale, just as you could do with any other online shop. But here's where these types of auctions stop being normal auctions, and start being something a little bit special.

Once the shopper finds an item that takes their fancy, they can go on and place their bid, just as they would do on any other online auction site. The winner of the unique bid auctions however, is the shopper with the lowest unique bid.

That's right, the fun of the online auction, just got even more exciting. With this new type of online bidding auction, you no longer have to rely on your bid being the highest bid in order for you to be the winner. As long as the bid you place is unique you are in with a great chance of winning and grabbing yourself a great deal.

This unique bid system is turning the world of online auctions on its head. Where traditional auctions will elect to take the highest bid that has been made, this brand new type of online retail experience will instead take the lowest given bid as the winning one.

In theory this means that, if you were lucky, you could come away with winning bids as low as 1p.

The fun of shopping in an online space which also requires you to think about your bids logically, and therefore try to strategically place the lowest possible unique bid, is clearly catching. Growth in the popularity of lowest unique bidding auctions of this kind has been huge.

I know what you're most likely thinking at this point. Sounds great for the buyer, but how does the auctioneer make enough money to survive if they are selling all of their products at the lowest given bid prices ?

Well, I'm glad you asked! Before a potential customer can place a bid on an item, it's fairly commonplace that they will be required to make a small payment to the auctioneer. By charging a small fee for every bid that is placed, the auctioneer can spread the cost of the product out over all of the bidders on a particular product, and therefore sell their items to the winning bidders at massively reduced prices. Alternatively (although not as commonly) the buyer may be required to pay a small subscription fee in order to take part in the bidding process. Either way the results are the same. An exciting shopping experience and unbelievably cheap products!

Change the way you shop online today. Go on on a journey to discover a whole new world of shopping fun, with unique bid auctions!

At BidGrid unique bid auctions you can get new items for big discounts. The auctions are very exciting and offer you the chance to pick up great products with zero risk. Find out more at

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Why A Business School Education Still Matters

Deciding to go to business school is a major decision that will affect a person's future career path. Business schools offer a chance for students to refine their business skills and obtain a degree that will emphasize their area of specialization. While many people believe that any necessary skill for working in a corporate environment can be learned through working experience, obtaining a business school education is still important for discovering new ideas and concepts that a person might not be exposed to when working in a particular environment.

One of the areas where going to business school really helps students is in the area of leadership and management development. Business degree programs typically include a wide range of courses and projects that emphasize leadership skills that can be applied to almost any business position in the real world. Coursework in most business programs is designed to teach students how to solve problems and include finance classes that help students to learn more about budgeting and financial responsibility. Courses in entrepreneurship also teach students how to become leaders by initiating their own company.

Learning how to start and run an entrepreneurial business is not a skill that can typically be learned through working in a corporate environment. Business students who would like to own their own business can benefit from participating in mock business competitions that are prevalent in most business schools. In these competitions, students develop their own business plan and demonstrate how they would execute it. Often, there is a monetary award that can enable students to actually set their plans into motion once they have completed their education.

Another aspect of business school that makes it important for success in the business world is the opportunity to develop a global perspective. In today's business environment, success is often based upon how well a person can work with other people from different cultures. Adapting a global business approach is critical for being successful in a business that has international relations. Many business schools offer international business trips that combine learning with travel in another country. On these trips, students visit international businesses and learn about what techniques other cultures use to run a successful business. The cultural lessons that are learned during these trips tend to prove to be valuable later on and cannot be learned unless someone leaves the country.

Going to business school provides many benefits that can contribute to success post-graduation. Learning leadership skills along with finance courses can be vital to anyone that is interested in a management position in a company. While many skills can be learned through work experience, stepping into a business school can offer more experiences than can be learned by working in an office, and having a business degree can often set one apart from other job-seekers by showing employers that a graduate from business school has a unique perspective that will lead their business to success.

Josh Sager considers himself as a jack of many trades. He loves to blog about a lot of stuff that many find entertaining and helpful. To learn more about Finance Courses, visit .

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How To Choose The Best Tutor For Your Child

Have you noticed that your normally bright child is having a difficult time keeping up with studies and getting good grades, despite their best efforts? You might even notice that your child is in a completely different situation and is actually excelling above and beyond other students his or her age but is starting to get bored with school. As a parent, you of course want your child to receive the best education possible so that they will be more likely to excel in life. That is why you should consider hiring a tutor who will be able to meet your child's unique educational needs. A few of the things that you should consider when looking for the best tutor for your child are: experience, teaching methods, personality, and enthusiasm.


When you are looking for the best tutor for your child, it is important that you choose a tutor who has a lot of experience under their belt, especially in subjects that are most difficult for your child. It will do your child little good if they are currently struggling with English and you hire a tutor that has experience teaching only math. If possible, it is best to locate a tutor that has a lot of experience teaching a wide range of subjects so that they can give your child a well-rounded education and can teach them how to understand a variety of academic subjects.

Teaching Methods

Before you hire a tutor for your child, you should always make sure that their teaching methods will work well with your child's particular personality. For example, if you are hiring a tutor for a younger child that is bored with school, then you may want to find a tutor that will utilize entertaining and even silly teaching methods that will keep your child interested. If your child is older and needs more of a challenge, then you may want to hire a tutor that is more likely to push your child and encourage them to learn difficult concepts. Before hiring a tutor, simply ask them what teaching methods they use so that you can get an idea of how your child will respond to their method of teaching.


It is essential that you choose a tutor whose personality will mesh with your child's personality, or the experience will likely be a negative one for both the tutor and your child. Will your child respond better to a no-nonsense tutor that will keep them in line, or would they learn better in an easy-going environment with a tutor that is not quite as structured? Consider your child's unique personality and you will have an easier time finding the right tutor for their needs.


If you hire a tutor who isn't enthusiastic about the subjects they are teaching, your child will pick up on their attitude and will not feel enthusiastic about learning the subject matter. If you want to give your child the best opportunities to learn and excel, then you should make sure that you hire a tutor who loves teaching. If you follow these simple and helpful tips, you should be able to find a tutor who will be the best fit for your child's needs.

Lawrence Reaves writes for School Tutoring Academy,- a company that offers quality custom tutoring services for your child. For more information on School Tutoring Academy visit their website at

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Important Information About How Children Learn

Childhood development and learning is one of the most important subjects for parents to understand. Knowing the stages of development, and the differences between how children learn from how you learn as an adult can help you work with your child to maximize his or her potential with regard to schoolwork and other education experiences. Here is a brief overview of the way that children learn, and while every child will have differences in learning abilities, this broad approach may help you identify some of the most important things you can do to help the learning process.

Get Kids Involved

Children are naturally curious and tend to have pretty short attention spans, so sitting them down to listen passively to a lecture and hoping they will retain some of that information is not realistic or effective. Instead, students should be actively involved in the process by developing hands-on activities that reinforce the concepts you are trying to teach. You can also incorporate discussions of what the child is learning so they can proactively talk about it.

Integrate Social Learning

From the time a child is born, he or she begins learning behaviors through social interactions--mainly by watching, internalizing, and mimicking behaviors, speech, and more from those around him or her. Social learning techniques also tie into ways to keep children involved in the learning process, since they are fun and interactive. Plus studies have shown that students who know their work will be shared with others will try harder to turn in higher quality work. Some effective social learning techniques include allowing children to work together in groups to solve problems, and providing a good role model for the child so s/he can model behavior after that person.

Make it Meaningful

Many of us, whether we are children or adults, do not like to do something if we believe it has no purpose or is not useful in our day-to-day lives. In order for children to be engaged in learning and development, they should be working on activities that have a clear application in real life. For example, a child working on writing skills could create a card to send to someone they love, or write a passage in a personal journal that describes an experience they went through.

Relating it to Prior Experiences

When information is out of context, it is abstract and can be more difficult to learn, so when you're working with a child on a new concept, one of the most helpful things you can do to increase understanding is relate it to something else that is relevant in their life. Even with prior experience in an area, children sometimes do not connect the two pieces of information, so it's important for a parent, teacher, or other adult to help the child make that connection.

Identify Techniques They Already Use

There are some things that we cannot teach, and in some cases, a child will already have some behaviors that they naturally use to improve their learning and retention. For example, a small child may continuously repeat something you told them in order to remember it, even if you have never taught them to do it. It's important to identify what your child's natural tendencies are, and augment those rather than trying to develop all new ones.

From the time a child is born, and throughout their entire lives, learning and development are an ongoing process. These tips can help you develop your child's natural learning abilities and build new strategies to help them as they navigate through school and life.

Lawrence Reaves writes for School Tutoring Academy, - a company offering specialized tutoring in a wide array of subjects. For more information on School Tutoring Academy or their tutoring programs, go to: -

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PSYWAR and PSYOPS: The History of Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare:
A brief History All war has the simple objective of making the enemy bend to one's own will. All losses inflicted upon the enemy, all injuries imposed, and all ammunition expended serve the purpose of changing the enemy's mind. When leaders can change an enemy's mind without firing a round, they secure victory while preserving lives and resources on both sides. Psychological warfare has been practiced to this end since the earliest accounts of conflict. The Biblical account of Gideon presents an ancient example of psychological warfare applied as a force multiplier without regard for the enemy's lives, but without an overt bloodthirstiness.

Gideon tested his volunteers psychologically for willingness to fight, releasing everyone who truly wanted to be elsewhere. He tested them psychologically for aptitude, not wanting any soldiers who lacked the intuition and discipline to lift water to their mouths with one hand, while keeping the other hand free for a weapon. Then, with a force reduced to a few hundred he led a surprise night attack, and routed an army with a few hundred men. At the other end of the spectrum stand leaders like the more modern Shaka, who inflicted terror not just on his enemies, but even upon his own Zulu warriors. Part of his psychological influence came from technological innovation -- the Zulu spear -- and pushing the boundaries of what contemporaries considered the limits of war. As with any conquerors among the world's great historic civilizations, Shaka's reputation preceded him, until he exceeded that reputation himself. Ironically, when centuries later South Africa faced the challenge of uniting dozens of tribal cultures with Euorpean descendants, while encouraging racial equality, its state run television found yet another psychological purpose for Shaka.

The production "Shaka Zulu" used South Africa's still fledgling television industry to provide a sense of shared heritage for South Africans of any cultural heritage. The two approaches, one of winning over hearts and minds, one of forcing masses into terrified submission, have had varying degrees of success. History shows that in most cases the former approach produces the most beneficial and longest term results, but the short term results of the latter are often needed for stability first. History ultimately remembers leaders who rely on terror not just for initial victory, but for maintaining influence, as despots and tyrants. The same psychological tactics that once earned leaders reputations for strength now eventually follow them to The Hague. Such methods have become relegated to the realm of terrorism in asymmetric warfare. The Idi Amins and Moamar Khaddafis of history find themselves locked out of the community of nations as impolite company. The psychology of strict terror remains merely as a tool of desperation.

Cyrus the Great:
The proof of how well Cyrus the Great applied psychological techniques appears in how many today first hear of this 6th Century B.C.E. Persian King through Judeo-Christian traditions. Cyrus released upwards of 40,000 Jewish slaves from Persia, and allowed them to return to their homeland. This seemed to them such an unprecedented act that in the Jewish mind of the day, and in the story as handed down through Hebrew scripture, this pagan king qualified as a servant of Yahweh. Nearly 2,600 years later this reputation endures. While those Jews returning to their ancestral homeland record this as nothing short of an act of God, for Cyrus it was business as usual. He found that tolerance of regional cultures facilitated maintaining stability across an empire stretching from central Asia northward to the edges of the Sinai southward, and from where Turkey now rests in the west to India in the east (Kuhrt, 1995). While that helped him maintain internal peace, one innovation in psychological warfare served Cyrus best in war. He established an elite guard that gained a reputation for immortality.

These soldiers earned their reputation as "Immortals" by never leaving bodies for the enemy to find. With similar armor and concealed faces, the Immortals would fight, and when one of them fell others removed the body from the field. Then another looking just like the fallen took his place. Enemies never had a chance to see how many they killed, and could easily believe they had killed none. The elite force's reputation for immortality arrived before soldiers ever hit the field of battle, making foes reluctant to face them from the onset. By creating this fear in enemies even before fighting them, Cyrus set the groundwork for victory even before he had an argument, much less a battle. This power of reputation as a form of psychological warfare continues through subsequent history as a dominant theme through conflicts of all ages. In the 20th Century it manifests in the reputations of the Israeli Army, British SAS, and U.S. Military Green Berets, Rangers, and Seals. It influenced the Falklands War when the first British troops landed, and many Argentine soldiers chose to abandon posts rather than confront Ghurkas. In a very real way it carries the U.S. military in contemporary international perception. Hollywood exports from Rambo to Act of Valor reinforce -- with obviously differing degrees of believability -- a desired perception of the prowess of American fighting men.

Alexander the Great:
Two centuries after Alexander III of Macedon first led his troops across the Hellespont, Persia may have felt little threat. In a few years, though, the reputation of Alexander the Great always arrived ahead of him in any place he sought to conquer. With each new battle the young genius reinforced his undefeated reputation. While Alexander gained as much a reputation for negotiation as for war, doubtless his prowess at war facilitated negotiation. When an undefeated general arrives to negotiate, it motivates resolution. For Alexander merely winning minds just to win the battle did not suffice. A student of Aristotle, Alexander believed completely in the superiority of Hellenistic culture, He intended to secure conquered lands by including them within one broad cultural empire.

Once conquered, societies soon found themselves speaking Greek, and students learned Greek philosophy. Devotion to literacy marked Alexander's Hellenistic culture. He encouraged soldiers to intermarry with local populations, and to make the traditions of his native Greek city states traditions of all he conquered. Perhaps his most significant psychological battle involved the Gordian knot. While the legend of its origin may only have a remnant of historical validity, historically the legend did exist in Alexander's time. Details of what exactly the Gordian knot was, and exactly how Alexander loosed it, disagree even in ancient accounts (Arrian, 1971 [ed.]; Fredricksmeyer, 1961).

What matters is how it demonstrates Alexander's awareness of the power of symbols. Whether Alexander accepted the legend that whoever loosed the Gordian rightfully ruled Asia did not matter, as long as those he chose to conquer believed so. Whether he literally cut through it with a sword -- as the best known account claims -- or found a way to remove the knot from its post and then untie it, the effect was the same on those who believed the legend. Alexander loosed the knot, so was bound to conquer.

The Mongols:
The effectiveness of Mongol psychological tactics and strategies continues in evidence through modern usage of their word for "army" or "camp". In modern times the word "horde" conjures images of confusion and massive numbers descending on overwhelmed victims. In fact the Mongols often went into battle outnumbered three to one, yet the spread of their empire under Genghis Khan remains unmatched today. Mobility and autonomy served as psychological tools for Mongols. Though heavily armed the Mongol hordes served more as a light infantry of their day than did the heavily armored opponents they faced.

Genghis Khan trusted enough in his army's discipline and training to permit soldiers greater self-direction in the field of battle. Should a unit of 1,000 lose its leader, each unit of 100 understood the strategic priorities and strategies enough to complete the mission. Combined, these factors generated several valuable psychological results. Because the Mongols coordinated movements over great distances with no apparent communication, they seemed to have near psychic control over movements in battle. Their mobility allowed separate units to traverse great distances before converging on an enemy target. Then they seemed to come from every direction at once.

Several men carrying three torches apiece made the forces seem larger. Some also benefitted from Chinese silk in undergarments. This was strong enough to prevent full penetration from arrows fired at a distance. It also protected pierced skin when arrows were tipped in poison. The effect on an enemy of seeing a Mongol fighter get shot by an arrow, pull it out, and keep on fighting would have been unsettling at best. Like the Persians and Greeks before them, the reputation of the Mongols arrived before they did. It made cities more amenable to negotiation and surrender without fighting, especially since Mongols intentionally let some survivors escape to spread the tales of their ferocity in actual combat.

James Scott is the CEO of Princeton Corporate Solutions, a corporate globalization and political strategies firm, PCS offers a unique blend of think tank, corporate and governmental communication strategies to expedite the facilitation of long lasting relationship building in these necessary sectors.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Staying Up To Date In The Engineering World

Each day, there are new things happening in the engineering world. Machines are becoming more functional as engineers learn new ways to put them together. New software programs are being developed to make it easier and quicker to draw up plans for a new product. If you are an engineer looking to stay up to date so that you are still with the cream of the crop, there are a few things that you can do.

Further Your Education

Whether you already have a college degree or not, it could benefit you to take some additional classes in your field of expertise. Because there are new technologies and programs being developed, companies are looking to hire engineers who know how to use the latest tools and software. Perhaps the best way to become trained on how to use newly developed strategies and programs is to take a class. That might mean that you go back to school for a year, or it might just mean that you become trained with the company who sells the software or technology. Either way, you can become more educated on the new engineering strategies that are developed.

Read The News

There are all sorts of businesses that put out engineering newspapers or magazines. Your company might even put out a newsletter that talks about the latest and greatest in engineering technology. Perhaps you subscribe to another engineering magazine or online news source. Even if you do not have a subscription, there are plenty of websites where you can learn more about the latest engineering technology and software. If you read about something that you think can help you in your career, you can look further into it, possibly deciding to go back to step one and further your education.

Learn From Your Coworkers

You might have some coworkers who are younger than you and have more recently completed their engineering education. One mistake that you can do as their elder is to assume that you know more than them. The truth is that you can both learn a lot from each other. The new guy can learn a lot from you because of your years of experience. You can learn a lot from the new guy because he knows all of the most recent information regarding engineering. Keep communication open between you and him so that you can understand new ideas, learn new ways of engineering, and find out what new technologies and engineering programs are out there for your convenience. When you have all of that information, use it on the job so that your boss will see that you still have what it takes and can compete with the next guy.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for an engineer who wants to stay up to date with technology, software, and methods of engineering. There is no reason why an engineer who has been in that field of work for decades, has to let go of their career because they feel like they do not know enough anymore. By continuing your education, reading the news, and learning from others, you can be the great engineer that you always have been.

John believes in always learning. This is one reason he likes writing about multiple subjects. Be sure to visit to learn about preventing machinery breakdowns through proper shaft alignment.

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Solar Information To Cut Back On Use of Depletable Resources

The improvement of solar energy technology has advantages for the Earth in terms of reducing global warming due to accumulation of greenhouse gases. This is an issue for a lot of countries of the globe and it's the explanation that alternative energy is a significant concern. In the search for this alternative energy source, Solar Energy is the most promising since it is almost unrestricted and has little or no downsides, beyond rate.

Innovation and infrastructure are two of the restricting aspects for Solar energy being even more readily offered. It's for this reason that business have actually started providing solar energy training courses, both online and onsite. The courses cover everything from full newbies to expert level specialists. Before beginning a profession in solar energy implementation, one needs to validate the effort and cash connected with the training. Of course there is constantly a perk to obtaining in the ground floor of a growing sector.

Beyond the financial gains, an individual can additionally understand that they are involved in a motion based on energy conservation and stewardship of the world. Among all fo the replenishable resources, solar energy has the most guarantee since the energy from the sun that strikes the Earth in one 24 hour duration would supply the whole planet for years if we might catch and re-claim all of that energy. Keep in mind that this is not a new idea and that plants have been harvesting this energy source for over a billion years.

Lots of solar training courses supply on-line options. The business provide different subjects and expertises. The courses cover different amounts of hours and accreditations. You can easily find options online for PV solar training, AE agency training, the NABCEP exam and others. The training and accreditation you would certainly obtain in these courses can easily open lots of new profession doors. Solar energy training courses prepare you to be a vital of this growth market.

You will discover abilities and details that will certainly provide you the confidence to either work for a business to install new technology or potentially strike out by yourself in the marketplace. This makes the decision to get this kind of training method more than just a replacement career for your existing task. It in reality could be your ticket to monetary independence as an entrepreneur. Due to the fact that numerous of these courses are supplied online, the teaching expenses and overhead are limited and therefore the rate for your training is a lot more reasonable than you could be anticipating. Additionally, with solar energy training you could find that you are immediately employable in your local market, which makes the education an excellent investment, with a fast return on the bucks you spent and time it took.

Because the details is a combination of technical and non-technical, most individuals can easily do well in these courses, pass the tests and accomplish accreditation, no matter previous education. This makes solar energy training an excellent choice for the altering, advancing work globe.

Jim Cooke is a writer and independant researcher on the matter of renewable assets, and sustainable power. She writes about the technology and instruction necessary to remodel the planet.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lessons That Teenagers Will Be Able To Learn From Fantasy Series

Zombies overpowering the city. Vampires of the underworld pretending to be high school students and accomplishing laboratory work in chemistry. A demi-god rescuing the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Hobbits saving the universe from greed and evil. Indeed, fantasy books is one of the most favorite genres among young people, and the attraction is no surprise: a fantasy series gives that potent combination of magic, adventure, mystique and romance that absolutely no wide-eyed reader can withstand.

The narrative of the fantastical is not just a contemporary phenomenon. A long, long time ago myths and folk tales were made about fabricated creatures before people learned to read and write. These myths helped shape and enhance cultures, languages and civilizations. Even before Hollywood vampire videos and films on paranormal romance have turn out to be blockbusters, people have used fantasy literature to tell stories and see the world they live in.

One of the prominent features of the fantasy genre is its powerful position on the good versus wicked concept. There could possibly be a mystery about which characters are virtuous and which are really evil - this suspense usually thickens the storyline. But young readers may evidently determine the good deeds from the despicable, and learn early that no evil deed stays unpunished. In real life where corruption of power and violence can blur the lines of morality, having the critical mind to look at the visible difference between good and evil is important.

Speculative literary works, science fiction and fantasy lit could also educate developing imagination, particularly those of tween and teen girls, a lesson or two concerning gender equality. Fantasy romance tales are packed with heroines that are as adventurous, as fearless and as pure-hearted as (or maybe more than) the male lead characters. Certainly, parents would prefer their children reading about leading an army of magnificent soldiers or running with wolves rather than have them poring over women's magazines and catalogs that pose impractical standards of beauty. Whether as mortals, as witches or as fairy queens, woman characters of the fantasy genre could be good role models for independent-thinking girls.

Lastly, reading about similar universes and fantastic worlds feeds the imagination more than some other material. Thereâ€s a sense of awareness, creativity and curiosity one gets with reading books, as opposed to watching a monitor, which is a mainstream activity among teenagers today. Being immersed in a fantasy narrative means having the potential of dreaming of-and perhaps encouraging shape-a better and even more beautiful world.

Your children can get a lot of meaning tales so reading these types of book is a good strategy to let your children get absolutely hooked in reading fantasy series books.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Does Your Child Need A Tutor?

Test scores and grades are not the only factors to consider when you debate whether your child needs a maths tutor or English tutor. Other factors to consider include what you want them to accomplish in school and how well you want them to understand when they go to math, English and other classes at school.

Parents generally don't just want their children to get good grades, but they want it to also reflect in their understanding of the subject. They want their children to not just grasp logic but embrace it, enjoy learning and fully understand what they're learning about in school. If this sounds like you and if you think you may require some outside help, then looking for a tutor is a wise choice.

Getting a tutor is a good idea when you notice your child's grades slipping. Sometimes all he needs is a tutor to get him back on track, but he might also need them when he seems to have increasing difficulty with homework or appears to be taking longer than normal with problems you cannot seem to help him with. Tutors also work well with children facing low self-esteem problems or acting out against school and homework by teaching them to focus and increase confidence.

Tutors don't just focus on children with problems or who appear to be performing poorly in class; they also offer something extra for children who are gifted and are too advanced for the class they are in. Often, such children can become bored with their settings in school, so tutors can offer additional stimulation to keep their minds going when school doesn't do it anymore. Finally, tutoring is a good choice to help prepare for advanced coursework or increase scores in tests for college admissions.

This is a good avenue of education because of the attention that it permits for the child. Rather than needing to spread attention across up to 50 students at any given time, a tutor just focuses on one child in front of him. They also don't need to press forward to maintain a schedule, instead only needing to wait for when his student is ready to continue. Similarly, he can skip past subjects the child already expresses mastery in.

Parents can hire a tutor for essentially any subject, ranging from the basic math to English, reading and even advanced science, as well as everything in between.

This article was provided to you by Number Works Australia, for more information on finding the best Math tutor for your child visit us at .

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Monday, September 24, 2012

New Orleans Cemeteries Part 1

New Orleans has a culture unlike any other city in the world. The streets of New Orleans may lie on American soil, in the heart of Louisiana, but the traditions of the locals are more Caribbean than American. Food is often a great indicator of culture, and in New Orleans the cuisine is both distinctive and important. Centuries of influence from French, Spanish, Italian, African, Cuban, Native American, and Caribbean traditions have amalgamated into a culinary experience that has influenced chefs all over the world. Likewise, death and dying customs bear the mark of Native American, African and colonial influences.

Saint Louis Cemeteries

There are over 40 cemeteries in New Orleans, and all are very interesting places. Let's begin with the most historic of all, Saint Louis Cemetery. As a point of reference, three Saint Louis Cemeteries exist that are each a continuation of the previous. All burials are carried out above ground, resulting in several different styles of graves. The reason for above ground burials is purely a product of Spanish and French tradition, unlike rumours of water table problems. At the time, New Orleans was under Spanish control, thus the very Spanish tradition of wall vault burials was employed.

Saint Louis #1

Saint Louis Cemetery #1 was opened in 1789 as a replacement to the former St. Peter cemetery, which has now been dismantled. New Orleans was having some real difficulties during that era. St. Peter's Cemetery had just been filled to capacity due to a brutal yellow fever epidemic. Also, hundreds died in 1788, when a massive fire destroyed more than 80% of the city, and left many more people homeless.

When Saint Louis #1 was ready for occupancy, the bodies had already been sitting for a while and were indeed becoming a little ripe. In the rush to get everyone buried in a dignified manner, there was no time for segregating the wealthy from the poor, Europeans from Mulattos and so on. Therefore, some of the French reside next to Native American descendents, and paupers reside next to business magnates. Being Roman Catholic was In fact the only restriction for resting in Saint Louis #1, and almost everyone in the area were practicing Catholics at the time.

There is much to find that is interesting in a cemetery. Not only do they tell us the beginning and ending chapters of the deceased, but they provide a place of remembrance for those still living. As a visitor, we have the luxury of reading the dates of birth and death, then filling in the years with our own imagination. If a grave is well kept and adorned with fresh flowers, we might imagine an attentive family that is still grieving. Alternatively, gravestones left to be overtaken by plants and shrubs, are now being lost to history, as perhaps the deceased person's family has also passed on. Perhaps they recall the deceased in some other way, rather than in looking after a grave site. Many interesting wanderings can be had in various cemeteries.

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Psychological Warfare Tactics, Psychological Warfare Techniques: Origins of Perception Management

Early Perception management:
The American Revolution Sometimes a psychological enhancement results from tactics that just make common sense. In a time of rank and file fusillades to create a steady field of fire, and uniforms designed to make blood less obvious, American revolutionaries had little chance with standard martial maneuvers. Guerilla tactics just made sense. When the Continental Army ambushed the British -- or Hessian mercenaries -- firing with concealment and cover, all of the Redcoat discipline fell to pieces. Their training conditioned swift response in manners designed to reinforce advancing fire lines.

When lines could do nothing the initial confusion gained the Americans a tactical advantage. This was not just a matter of surprise, but very real conflict between conditioned reflexes and cognitive response to the actual needs of the moment. Psychology had a great role in the unanimity of the Declaration of Independence. The American rebels knew that their cause would require outside help. Benjamin Franklin secured assurance of the help of the French, but only with a unanimous separation from England. Had only one colony remained as a safe haven for the British, the threat would have remained too great for the French to help. Franklin then had the task of assuring the Declaration would be unanimous -- the true significance of his "Join or Die!" cartoon. Led discussions toward the need for unanimity early in debate.

Franco-Prussian War:
Whether considering Tamerlane's 90,000 skull pyramid outside Delhi, or medieval feudal lords shouting challenges over castle walls, overt propaganda has always been part of psychological warfare. Combined innovations of printing and airpower raised this into a new realm as early in the 19th Century. That was a little early for airplanes, but not for balloons. During the Prussian siege of Paris in 1870 the French decided a little taunting in order. They adapted balloons intended for combat communications, "made of strong calico, covered with two or three coatings of linseed oil and oxide of lead, and inflated with ordinary gas," (Ollier, 1883, p. 53) to airdrop leaflets on the Prussian troops. Written in German they warned that all of France would rise to drive off the invaders. They advised Prussians to surrender. Troublesome as this may have been for morale, Prussians learned that shooting down the balloons could boost their morale even more than the leaflets demoralized them.

Airdropped leaflets, and even airdropping them from balloons, continue as a crucial element of all psychological warfare into the 21st Century. Future sections of this study mention their successful use during contemporary conflicts. The two Koreas still exchange airdropped leaflets regularly. Many other technological innovations that became tools of psychological warfare still serve no greater purpose than do leaflets. They just lack the limitations that leaflets have. They serve to demoralize the enemy, elicit surrender, and achieve without use of arms that crucial bending of an enemy to one's will.

Anti-Catholic Kulturkampf:
Not long after the First Vatican Council a conflict over church and state more suited for the 16th Century erupted in 19th Century Germany. It all began with the excommunication of an instructor of Catholicism for failing to assent to Papal infallibility, in accordance with the 1870 Vatican decrees. This meant the Church could not have him as an instructor even as the State employed him and covered his salary. This quickly expanded into a conflict over when the allegiance of German Catholics to their nation conflicted with their allegiance to the Church. With Catholics composing more than one-third of all Germans, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck treated papal assertions of religious infallibility as a national security threat.

Forty years of religious tolerance between Catholics and Protestants quickly came to a state-hastened end. Bismarck the Prussian Minister of Public Worship, Adalbert Falk, pushed through a series of laws designed to inhibit Catholics in the full exercise of their beliefs. Archbishop Henry Edward Manning, leader of the Catholic Church in England, took it upon himself to advocate for the German Catholics who were quickly losing their voices. From March to July of 1872 alone, laws turned inspection of Catholic schools over to the state, expelled and dissolved Jesuits and other religious orders, and "made all clerical appointment subject to state approval."( von Arx, 1992, p. 254) Catholics were imprisoned, exiled, divested of property, and many were left without priests. Bismarck miscalculated. Each new oppression brought more resistance, until a new pope, more amenable to compromise, gave him a way to save face. Then Bismarck re-tasked many of the resources developed to combat encroaching Catholicism toward fighting encroaching socialism instead, demonstrating sublimation as a tactic of psychological warfare.

The United Kingdom:
Celts and Picts employed psychological warfare long before there was a nation of England. Julius Caesar's reluctance to face the Gauls is the stuff bad movies, worse novels, and his own self-serving history of conquering them are made of. Hadrian found facing the Picts worse than all the expense of just walling them into Scotland. It terrified well armored soldiers that their force and reputation -- and beauty of their weapons -- failed to terrify bands of painted up naked barbarians with lime-spiked hair. It therefore suits the British to have so thoroughly developed formal psychological operations to the art they have. Part of this came from necessity. Continuing civil warfare, literally over the hearts and minds of its people, dominated England's Elizabethan period.

Few things psychologically manipulate the direction a will can bend as does religious devotion. It meant a societal experience of manipulating conscience, through violence or subtlety, long before creating some of the greatest psychological operations in modern history. Planes usually drop leaflets to engage in psychological warfare with the enemy, but during World War II British Intelligence decided they needed to drop a body. By using a corpse to fabricate a deceased officer carrying plans for an Allied invasion, they convinced the Germans that the intended Sicily landing site was actually the site for a diversionary landing. (Montagu, 1953) That body -- in the theatre stubs it carried, the way it had died, as well as its planted documents -- was one heavy and convincing message of disinformation. It served no different purpose than dropping leaflets.

James Scott is the CEO of Princeton Corporate Solutions, a corporate globalization and political strategies firm, PCS offers a unique blend of think tank, corporate and governmental communication strategies to expedite the facilitation of long lasting relationship building in these necessary sectors.

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The First Royal Family Of Mexico Part 1

Agustin de Iturbide was the first Emperor of Mexico. He came to the throne with a family in tow, and when the regime collapsed a few months later they were forced to flee the country. Who were these former princes and princesses?

Agustin de Iturbide was born in Mexico when it was still the colony of New Spain. His parents were Spanish nobles, which was vitally important to Iturbide. At the time, the colony had a class system that heavily relied on your bloodline and where you had been born. Peasants were, predictably, on the lowest rung; mestizos, people of mixed Spanish and indigenous heritage, were lower class than criollos, those born to noble Spaniards on Mexican shores. And, of course, Spanish-born nobility was at the very top. Agustin was plagued his entire life with accusations that his mother was a mestiza--or, worse, an indigenous woman--and his class anxiety played a part in many of his actions during wartime.

When Agustin was 22, he married Ana Maria Josefa Ramona de Huarte y Muniz. She was nineteen, born in the prosperous city of Valladolid--the same birthplace as Iturbide. Having lovely manners and grace, Ana Maria was also charming and beautiful. Most importantly, her bloodline was solid as a rock; she was the daughter of a nobleman named Isidro Huarte, a wealthy immigrant from the Navarre region of Spain; her mother was Ana Manuela Muniz, a member of the House of Tagle--one of the richest families in all of Spain. Indeed, Ana Maria was related to the First Marquis of Altamira on her mother's side.

In 1805 in an extravagant ceremony, Agustin and Ana Maria married; it was the high social event of the season, and the coupling was a perfect match. Ana Maria bore her first child, Agustin Jeronimo, two years later. The Mexican War of Independence started in 1810; while Iturbide initially fought against the uprising, he eventually switched sides and helped secure the nation's freedom from Spain. Then, in 1821, Agustin crowned himself the Emperor of the new country; suddenly, Ana Maria was an Empress; Jeronimo was the Prince Imperial, and his brothers and sisters were all royalty. They moved into a huge castle in Mexico City.

But it wasn't to last; fewer than ten months after it began, the first Mexican Empire collapsed. Agustin and his family were suddenly social outcasts in Italy after escaping to there, taking up residence for several months. The Spanish king was infuriated at the loss of his colony and the false royalty of the Iturbides, and urged the government of Italy to expel them. After settling in Great Britain, Agustin was urged to return to Mexico; the former Emperor was persuaded to help the conservative forces, after the economic situation deteriorated. However, Agustin was a traitor; he'd be killed if he ever returned. Whether he knew of this fact or not, he set sail back home in 1824.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Judgment Podcasts

Copyright (c) 2012 Derek Gray

My hobby is reviewing and testing work from home opportunities of many kinds. I also have a blog where I expose scams I discover. I am good friends with a judgment referral expert ( - JB) and I've reviewed and recommended them before as a valid work from home opportunity. JB has their free podcast show, their free forum for judgment enforcers, and so much free judgment educational material, that I want to recommend JB again here, to highlight their free Judgment Show podcasts.

JB offers hundreds of good articles, and a free forum for judgment recovery specialists, collection agencies, judgment lead finders and collections lawyers, but what I enjoy most about JB is their fun and unique Judgment Show podcast. Every week, JB has a fresh show with Blogtalk Radio. It's fun, and I've been on the Judgment Show several times already.

A great feature of the Judgment Show is you may call them anytime using Skype, during the daytime or even early evening, 7 days a week. They record the Skype calls, edit them to remove the noise, clicks, and bloopers, leaving a clean sound on the Judgment Show. You must install Skype, and you may then call them for free with Skype. The Judgment Show uses only audio, so there is no need to button your shirt. You may use just your first name if you want.

The main reasons to call the Judgment Show using Skype ( are:

1) When you have a question about judgments, your own judgment, how to enforce a judgment, whether you could sell a judgment and for what price, or who should recover or purchase your judgment. The people at JB are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice, however they're friendly, and know a lot about judgments.

2) When you work at a collection agency, or are a contingency collection lawyer, or a judgment recovery specialist, you can call in and talk about your company, as long as you also attempt to teach or share something. You may chat about anything.

3) If you have questions about locating, providing, or getting judgment leads, as a way to try to earn income.

4) When you have any question concerning entering the judgment enforcement business, or any other kind of question, related to judgments or all other topics such as the courts, attorneys, process serving, judgment courses, etc.

With Skype, it's really simple from your computer, on your schedule. Calls can be from 30 seconds to 15 minutes. After the call, you may e-mail JB, and they will e-mail you a MP3 of the conversation. They wait for you to OK it, before they put it on one of their weekly Judgment Shows, see, for more information.

Derek Gray
Scam Investigator, before you sign up with a work at home opportunity, check my web site or blog to see if I have reviewed it.

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Planning a Route For A New Railway - and How Digital Maps Assist

Whenever a new railway development is being considered, a survey is particularly useful both for the construction and also to plan for ongoing maintenance. Surveyors will spend time mapping out the best possible routes for the railway and will also confer with engineers on details such as gradient, ground type and practicality of the possible route. It is essential that a site visit is made before any drawings are made so that any geographic restrictions can be seen in order to assess whether they are going to cause an issue.

Blueprints can then be made by the surveyors and sent to the engineers and the construction company. The surveyors are involved at every stage and should continue to be consulted all the way through the whole process so that nothing is left to chance and to make sure that everything from laying the track to positioning of signal poles and stations is done properly.

In a perfect world, the railway track would run in a straight line from start to finish without any changes in gradient. If that were indeed the case, there would be probably be no need for a surveyor in the first place. However, as we do not live in a perfect world, this is not likely and there are many rules that a railway surveyor must follow when planning a new railway route.

The first is that any gradient must be no higher than two units high for every one hundred units forward. The second is that when it comes to corners, no more than 10 degrees can be considered. This is why it is so important to be aware of the lay of the land beforehand. Other pertinent information includes the track gauge and the maximum number of carriages to be pulled.

The railway surveyor is mostly concerned with the track and whilst there are other issues to think about such as the height and width of the track, clearance of either side and so on, the system will not be able to work properly if the rails themselves are not correctly placed. Other aspects of railway design include bridges and tunnels and these can be very challenging. This is where the engineers input is crucial as they will be required to build the bridges and tunnels. The surveyor will design cuttings and embankments beside the track and be in charge of ensuring the track remains centered.

Modern mapping equipment has made developing new transport routes much simpler. It is now common practice to use aerial photography, Geographic Information Systems, CAD and height data to create a plan for a new transport route. Making use of other information such as green belt data, sites of special interest, local town planning regulations and where existing road and rail routes are, all contribute to producing several different types of visual display as well as 2 and 3D models.

When building starts, by making use of laser imagery combined with specialist software, the surveyors can identify the integrity of the materials and ensure that the railway is accurately positioned and centered. The laser technology is also useful once the route is in use for maintenance teams who can easily identify areas that require attention. Being able to take advantage of all this modern technology has enabled both surveyors and engineers to create plans for and build accurately new railway routes.

The world of maps is being changed by technology and this is changing the way we view the world. This short article provides you with details about how the maps assist in the planning of things like railways. See

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Approaches to Make Use of to Actually Win the Lottery

Numerous books have been composed on how to win the lottery. There are number concepts, tactics and also companies that commit their time to the art of winning the lottery. The reality is, winning the lottery is more about following a couple of simple rules, and maintains an uniformity with those rules. Many individuals who win time and time again stress the value of developing a system on how to win the lottery, and working that system with uniformity and willpower. The key goal should not be to attempt and win virtually every time, however it is in determining just what methods and game play work per each specific lotto.

The initial step in how to win the lottery is figuring out a spending plan. There is no surer sign of an amateur user than one who spends means beyond his or her means to attempt and win. Even though it is simple to get wrapped up in the game and trying to win the game, it is crucial that a user takes actions to avoid the mania of spending every buck they have in an attempt to win. Generally your finances must include exactly what you can manage to spend, after your invoices, meals and spending money is invested. Be realistic about what you can easily afford, and keep those rules in mind when buying or organizing your next lottery move. From there a member who actually wishes to win the lottery will start the next step.

Variety of a lottery is essential if you really wish to win the lottery. Take time and do the research needed. Any public lottery will feature the guidelines, terms and conditions, as well as the odds of winning. Naturally, the higher the chances, the more chances a player has, however once again, with uniformity it comes to be an easy hanging around game. There are hundreds of state ran lotteries, and a lot more on-line, so take the time and learn just what the probabilities are, and just what your possibilities of winning are. While there is not magic method to win the lottery, if you use the devices at your disposal you are more likely to end with a beneficial result.

Right here is some real life advice from people who know how to win the lottery, individuals who have actually won in the past. Use the Internet to research that lottos are big winners and make note of the numbers played. Never ever play a number that has actually won in the past. Additionally, don't utilize birthdays or anniversaries. Champions propose these numbers seldom ever work. Make sure you get a clear understanding of just what lotteries are champions and why. The analysis stage is the most important one. It will certainly set you up with the greatest possible possibility to win the lottery.

As soon as you have actually found the lottery you would certainly like to enter, make certain you read all the rules, terms, conditions and timelines. Lots of times a user will certainly miss out on a crucial rule to the lottery and have their entry invalidated. Lots of lottos even provide a "2nd opportunity" play online, so recognize that option as well. Most of the 2nd chance options have a timeline that has to be satisfied or the chance to win is closed. For individuals who are seriously playing, the use of a spreadsheet or wall calendar is very helpful for tracking play times and second chance timelines. This can easily additionally double as an useful method to keep track of your budget and keep within the guidelines you set for yourself at the onset of attempting to win the lottery. Be as complete as possible when completing the entries in your spreadsheet or on your calendar. Lots of people make the blunder of misreading or missing standards and end up losing money they could well have won. Follow up with your entries and try to reserve a time of the day or week where you can evaluate your entries and try to find patterns. It is often within these patterns that individuals can find out more about the lottery they are playing.

By creating a series of rules and guidelines, you can continually play the lottery, which raises your chances of winning. The key is to get in as many times as you can easily either manage or the game guidelines will enable. Some lottos also supply endless entries, and those are a wonderful opportunity to obtain as many entries in as possible. Commonly it is with a mix of entries that individuals discover how to win the lottery. While good luck plays a crucial function, maximum outcomes happen from organized effectiveness and framework.

At the end of the day, remember it is mainly a gambling game, and meant to be interesting. There is no one guideline on how to win the lottery. The goal should be to delight in the game and keep in mind to not get carried away. Following standards will certainly assist, and keeping within them will guarantee that you will certainly not lose even more cash than you can easily afford. And if you win, well adulations. Keep up the fantastic job.

You can easily see even more about winning the lottery at our site at - We await seeing you!

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Are Perhaps Old Secrets Uncovered Inside Shadow Of The Sun?

What do you know regarding historical female rulers? To be precise, exactly what do you know about a young Queen? If a certain popular TV talk show host was born in fourteenth century BC (and tv made in those days), the young Queen could have shared her life's story with an whole world and unexplained events in her life wouldn't be as odd as they are today. As it is, very little is understood of the young queen's life with the exception that she was a golden goddess as evidenced by her renowned stone scultpure and that she married a famous historical King while she was 14 years of age. Just how can Shadow of the Sun show you more of the beautiful queen and also her royal family?

The author's greatly interesting paranormal historic fantasy may be filed as "fiction" but it utilizes a number of the more interesting bits concerning the young Queen's existence. The fascinating bits feature that she and the King, who'd afterwards become named the Heretic Pharaoh), had 6 daughters and that the first child was the key to their family, that this pharaoh experienced a run in along with the dastardly devious priests, and that the King, emboldened by the queen, revolutionized faith by introducing a monotheistic way of worship. Much is theorized about this certain royal family's lifetime and the author offers greater captivation by creating a story wherein the first-born daughter as a central figure.

Within this book, the reader will find the ancient land beneath a rule of fear. The corrupt priests have the populous under a firm leash through fright, superstition, and also malicious sorcery. Hence the Queen and King take action by introducing a form of peaceful sun worship towards a single god. This then creates warring groups rather than contributing to calmness and equilibrium which the queen and the pharaoh had longed for in presenting one god. Enter the first born daughter, who before she was given birth to had already agreed to a binding agreement that could reestablish calmness to all of Egypt and consequently, rescue her own household from harm. But life, as with fiction, is never simple and plans can be made to change. The first born daughter somehow creates a fearsome enemy; she flees along with her family out of the city to a desolate desert, and her mother and father argue her destiny - to stay chaste or to marry and produce children. How can the first born daughter overcome her powerful enemy, fulfill her parents' varying wishes, and deliver a conclusion to a religious discord?

Betrayal, envy, murder, sorcery... things that make for a mesmerizing story that only a royal household could receive, and the auithors book may just make you wish to delve more in to the shadowy, mysterious, and remarkable life and times during the ancient civilizations. In the Queen's and King's circumstance, the eighteenth dynasty rulers of the ancient land, you might just discover a few more unbelievable secrets.

Get Merrie Wycoff's "Shadow Of The Sun" and you may uncover a several more intriguing information regarding the life of Queen Nefertiti, the Pharoh King Amenhotep IV, and how their first born daughter Merit-Aten faces the family's challenges and tribulations. If you wish to know more, please visit.

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Why Extra Help May Be Needed For Your Child's Learning

In today's classroom setting, children are expected to learn material at the same pace. Teaching to the masses means schools are not capable of working with a student's strengths, let alone addressing their weaknesses. Parents should be aware that their child might need extra help in reading and math. Personal tutors can provide that help for just a few weeks to get a child over a hump, or for longer periods.

All children are not created equal in terms of the pace of neural development and proclivities for learning. Many schools require children to be reading by the end of first grade or even kindergarten. However, research indicates that before second grade a child's brain isn't developed enough to perform complicated tasks such as reading. Tutors are a good way to bridge the gap between school requirements and a child's developmental level.

By working with children individually or in very small groups, tutors can truly asses what a child knows and determine the best place to begin instruction. This type of close relationship allows a tutor to realize a child's learning modality and how to best present materials.

Providing appropriate learning activities based on modality is especially vital in math tutoring. Using a child's natural bent for learning results in greater understanding. Sometimes children simply need a little extra practice with basic math facts, especially multiplication. A maths tutor can provide this extra time, allowing students to gain mastery and confidence.

In the early grades, an English tutor focuses primarily on reading and comprehension skills. The goal is getting a child reading at or above grade level. Engaging a tutor to help a child develop excellent reading skills is one of the best ways parents can ensure a bright future for their child. As a child progresses through the grades, understanding grammar becomes important for proper speaking and writing skills. English tutors help children make sense of complicated grammar rules.

Tutoring can also be seen as strictly enrichment. Constraints upon class time and required testing means truly fun subjects get left out of the curriculum. Tutoring provides a way for children to explore new subjects or delve deeply into others. Enrichment activities put the fun back in learning for many students. Tutoring keeps students engaged in learning, especially very high achievers. This can mean the difference between a student who thrives in school and one who languishes.

Parents can hire a tutor for essentially any subject, ranging from the basic math to English, reading and even advanced science, as well as everything in between.

This article was provided to you by Number Works New Zealand, for more information on finding the best Maths & English Tutors in Auckland visit us at .

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