Friday, September 7, 2012

The Most In-Demand Careers Today

Many people think that going to college will automatically entitle them to job of their dreams. However, a recent study has shown that many students struggle to find a job after they graduate. One of the main reasons that so many students struggle is because they picked a major that is not in high demand.

If you are thinking about earning a college degree, you should consider some of the below professions:

Marketing Manager

If you have an interest in business, you should consider becoming a marketing manager. A marketing manager is someone who is responsible for making sure that the activities in the marketing department run smoothly. The marketing manager also helps the company make decisions that will attract customers and increase revenue.

Eighty-four percent of marketing managers have a bachelor's degree. However, the number of people earning a MBA in marketing management is increasing.

Physical Therapy Assistant

A physical therapy assistant is someone provides services under the guidance of a physical therapist. The job responsibilities of a physical therapy assistant may include things such as: assisting with exercise, helping patients use equipment and reporting changes to the physical therapist. This is the ideal profession if you want a career in healthcare that does not require that you spend several years in school. An associate's degree is the education that is required to become a physical therapy assistant.

Videogame Designer

The videogame industry is exploding, and the number of jobs available in this field is also increasing. In fact, this field is projected to grow by 35 percent in the next 10 years. If you have an interest in becoming a videogame designer, you should earn a bachelor of arts.

Registered Nurse

A registered nurse is someone who is responsible for caring for ill and injured patients. Registered nurses are responsible for giving out medication, taking vital signs, setting up IVs and educating people on how to care for their sick or injured family members. Registered nurses may also supervise licensed practical nurses or nurse's assistants. An associate's degree is needed to become a registered nurse, but many nurses go on to earn their bachelor's degree.

Many new graduates are struggling to find a job, so it is important to pick a job that is in high demand. Marketing managing, physical therapy assisting, videogame designing and nursing are some of the many fields that are in h

Jim Cantrell is a lifestyle blogger who blogs on a wide variety of topics including geekery, technology and education. His style of writing is ecclectic and varied. If you want to know more about college education, visit and read about our fields of study that can help you achieve a successful career.

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