Friday, September 14, 2012

Ocean - The Body of Water That Makes Land Inhabitable

Oceans are made up of salt water, and these bodies of water cover much of the earth's surface. There are five oceans that can be found on the planet. The five oceans that are on earth are the Arctic, the Antarctic, The pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian oceans. You will find that some people will refer to oceans as seas, but seas are typically found inland. Over half of the world is covered by ocean.

Oceans are extremely deep, and can be as deep as 12430 feet. Since the oceans are so deep, there are parts of them that have not been explored yet. There are more than 230,000 different species of creatures that can be found in the oceans. However, there are quite possible many more than that because there may be various species that live in the areas of the oceans that people have not explored yet.

Most of the water that is found of the earth is ocean. Freshwater only makes up a small percentage of the water that is found on earth. There are a few different reasons why the oceans have a bluish color to them. The main reasons for this color are chlorophyll and organic matter that can be found in the oceans.

Using boats in order to travel across the oceans has been done for an extremely long time. However, people have been able to travel much farther than they were before because of the technology that was used to make boats and ships better. Before the development of ships, people were still able to travel on the surface of the ocean, but they could not travel extremely long distances like they are today.

The ocean currents and the pull of the moon on the earth are responsible for the climate changes. Warm and cool air as well as precipitation is transferred through the oceans. The waves of the oceans are dependent on the gravitational pull of the moon.

Many people believe that the oceans have been around even before life was found. Some of the first creatures that have been found on the earth were those that lived in the waters of the oceans. Through evolution, some of these creatures began to change and live on the land as opposed to in the oceans.

The oceans are especially important for the economic growth of the planet. This is because in order for items to get from one place to another, they are normally transported on ships. Various ports that have been set up around the world import and export goods from one country to another.

Do you love oceans? Please visit my site here to know more about the largest oceans of the world. You will also get ocean wallpapers here.

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