Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Start Measuring: A Proper Way To Set Up Your Own Goals

I will lose weight. I will have a good time. I will spend more time with my family members. These are all excellent ideas but they're definitely not objectives.

Do you remember the day you showed up to your family reunion and an individual put in place a volleyball net. Slowly, increasingly more individuals have made their way to the courtyard while you rallied around. After some time, the rallying gets a little boring and inevitably somebody will say, "Let's play for real." The whole game changes instantly.

Now you have individuals that are getting into their stance. Positioning certainly becomes significant as you begin diving for the ball while arguing whose ball it was that landed in between them. Just what changed to make all these individuals act differently? The volleyball hasn't changed, the court hasn't changed, and even the individuals have not changed. What did change though is the fact that you are now measuring. As you now count every point, your effort matters. Once the game ends, you'll either be a winner a loser.

According to 100 day challenge, this basic principle is true for other areas of life. In case you really would like to change something (like a routine, your existing standing in life, and so on), then you should start to measure it. An additional way to look at it is that you focus on everything you measure; and anything you focus on must change. If you get involve in setting an objective, you should set objectives which can be measured.

Now let us look at the objective to "Have a good time." How do you know once you have reached this? There is no such thing as having a Fun-Meter, where you could connect yourself in order to obtain a reading. For starters, what activities do you consider to be really fun to do? As soon as you determine that you must then proceed with setting a goal to inspire you to perform those activities on a regular basis. Suppose that getting together with friends is what gets you jazzed, then try setting some objectives to hang out with your friends every week. You may need to reserve 2 Sundays of every month for entertaining guests. You could also select a weeknight to be a movie night where you can go and check out all the hottest movies. Setting an objective in these areas might appear a little bit weird, however if it may help you build several brand new habits, it's certainly worth it.

According to 100 day challenge reviews, the key is to make your own goals measurable otherwise they aren't at all actual objectives but rather they are good intentions. When you take time to measure your own objectives and create all the supporting steps that can help you get there, you will rapidly experience amazing success in your life. Don't forget that your own goal setting should be measurable.

Do you wish to transform your life? You can begin your 100day challenge to begin your own transformation and learn about the 100 day challenge.

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