Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Two Toughest Parts Of Being A Teacher

Teaching is one of the most honorable career paths to choose. There is very little money to be made in it and yet, it's one of the most important professions in any country. However, there are two very challenging parts to being a teacher that you should know how to handle if you plan on being one.

Students that just don't care

You'll have students who you just can't seem to inspire. Even putting them in detention or sticking them in the corner doesn't seem to get a rise out of them. They don't respond to you. They don't do their homework. They sleep on their desk. They just don't think it's worth it to pay attention to you. One way to deal with this is study up on who your students admire in the media. Pay attention to what they talk about on their lunch break, or perhaps just ask them in class who they look up to and why. If a certain name is often coming up, do some research on that celebrity and pick and choose the facts you like about them. Maybe they graduated from a top university, or always excelled in math and science. Tell your students about these fats! They need to understand that going to school is a good thing and that they have to work hard to succeed like their role models.

Self confidence

There is a fine line between scolding a child just enough to make them want to work harder, or to just make them want to give up. I myself am a voice coach at an elementary school and you can imagine the confidence problems I encounter trying to get kids to sing in front of a group. I work with preteens too so, you've got all that voice changing going on and vocal vibrato (what you know as voice cracking!) a lot of them are terrified of performing. I've had to learn ways to first calm my kids down, because if they have anxiety, they're not listening. I have my students practice breathing exercises for singing , and these can even be relaxing before any activity. Then, once the child is more relaxed, I remind them of all the struggles they've overcome in the past. As an example, I'll remind them of how hard singing high notes used to be for them, and point out how great they are at it now! Just remind them of all their past accomplishments, to give them the confidence they can overcome yet another challenge. And this means really investing attention into each and every one of your students.

Vera Esther is a healthy living, dating and luxury lifestyle writer. She has blogged about everything from organic wine tasting to how to tell if your first date is controlling and even innovative ways to pursue hobbies like learning how to sing online with sites like

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