Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tips For Choosing A College Degree

One of the keys to landing the job of your dreams is to pick the right college major. However, choosing the right college degree program can be quite confusing, which is why many students end up changing their major three or four times. Fortunately, there are ways to make the process of picking a major a little easier. Below are some tips for picking a college major:

Consider your interests/passions

Because you will more than likely spend at least 25 years in your career, it is very important for you to pick something that you will enjoy doing. You need to take the time to consider your interests and passions. For example, if you are passionate about music or dance, you may want to earn a bachelor of arts. If you have an interest in business and the economy, you may want to earn a bachelor of commerce.

How long will it take me to pursue the degree?

Many jobs today require a bachelor's degree, but it is becoming increasingly common for employers to require that candidates have attained at least a master's degree. That is why you want to take the amount of time that it will take you to earn your degree into consideration.

Is this college major in high demand?

Unemployment is a common concern for new college graduates. A recent study showed that over half of college students are either unemployed or underemployed. Your chances of getting a job within your field will be greater if you pick a major that is in high demand.

How much will this field pay?

You should not a pick a profession solely because of the salary. However, you should think about the annual salary when you are picking a profession. The average college student graduates with $25,000 in student loan debt. That is why you want to pick a major with a decent salary.

Choosing a college degree program is an important decision, but it does not have to be a difficult one. First and foremost, you need to take your interests and passions into consideration. You also want to think about the amount of time that it will take you to fully complete the degree. While many professions hire people with a four-year college degree, some companies require even more advanced degrees. Additionally, you should pick a major that is in high demand and pays reasonably well.

Jim Cantrell is a lifestyle blogger who blogs on a wide variety of topics including geekery, technology and education. His style of writing is ecclectic and varied. If you want to know more about college education, visit and read about our fields of study that can help you achieve a successful career.

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