Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Safety Is The Number One Priority In Day Care

Did you know that approximately 88 percent of all injury-related children deaths are due to unintentional injuries (based on a 2009 report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare)? In fact, a 2006 report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that injuries account for the highest proportion of children's deaths in Australia (36 percent), which is almost twice as much as children's deaths from cancer (19 percent).

Considering these sobering statistics, you can clearly see why safety should be the number one priority in a day care facility, or any other place. Therefore, regardless of the qualification of the caregivers in a facility or the play and learning equipment available, you simply cannot risk having your child in a facility that has critical safety issues.

How Child Care Centres Make Safety A Priority

Any well-organised centre would always weave in safety aspects into every activity within the facility. This is something that would always remain a constant consideration by all staff.

Here are a number of safety strategies that the facility may implement.

1. Active Supervision

Whatever activity the children are involved in - even napping - there must always be adult supervisor at all times.

Actually, there's much more to supervision than simply waiting for something to happen in order to take action. The caregiver must be able to pre-empt certain harmful situations, by understanding how children are likely to behave in specific situations. This will greatly help in directing young children away from potentially harmful situations, even before harm is done.

2. Safety Rules

Various pre-emptive measures must be applied to safeguard against risky behaviour. Certain rules that children would easily understand can be laid out, giving directions on what to do or not to do during play.

Something as simple as giving a rule that when climbing, all toys must be left on the ground, would help reduce chances of injuries. Just make sure to give simple to understand rules that can be easily grasped by the relevant age group.

3. Know The Abilities Of Every Child

Although children may be grouped with their fellow age-mates, each child may have drastically different capabilities from others. Such capabilities aren't even restricted to particular genders, since you can find that some young girls actually are more energetic than some boys.

Therefore, it's important that the caregiver takes note of the specific abilities of each child and doesn't just assume that they have similar capacities. Such knowledge would help in directing them during play, so that you can keep the less capable ones from harming themselves as they try to measure up with the more capable kids.

4. Take Note Of New Hazards

Even if you set certain rules early on, you're bound to require certain changes to the laid down guidelines, as time goes on. This is because something that was previously harmless may become a potential danger later on.

For instance, a log in the open play ground would be a splendid play thing, but it would turn slippery and potentially harmful when it rains.

If you need a safe environment where your child can engage in both outdoor and indoor play, Day Care Narraweena is your best choice. We offer a stimulating and flexible environment, where your child can learn and play. Children from 0 to 5 years can benefit from our excellent facility. If you want more information and ideas, get it here http://www.madchildcare.com.au/centres/narraweena/centre-page/ .

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Simple Yet Critical Aspects To Consider When Choosing A Good Child Care Facility

It's not just the major issues that matter when selecting the best care facility for your child. You also need to evaluate seemingly simple aspects, which will also have a major impact on your child.

1. Is The Staff Loving And Caring?

Perhaps, you've already evaluated the professional qualification of the staff at the child care facility and found that they are well trained. However, you need more than just high qualification in a person who will be responsible for a bunch of infants.

Those small kids require a loving and caring environment in order to learn and grow into confident and responsible adults. They need a warm touch from the caregiver, who should be involved in the kids' activities. This necessity of a close interpersonal relationship between caregivers and children is one reason why the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) set a 1:4 educator to child ratio, for centre-based services catering to children from birth to 24 months.

If the staff seem aloof and uninterested in close interaction with the kids, you would definitely have to question their motivation in caring for your kids. You certainly wouldn't want to leave your kids in the hands of someone who has little interest in their welfare.

2. How Long Will The Caregiver Stay With Your Child?

Selecting a good care facility isn't simply about the play and learning equipment that they have. Even if the facility may have been in operation for a long period, what matters most to your child is the actual staff that will interact with your child.

In order for your child to feel secure and loved, he/ she needs a sense of stability around his/ her life. Such security and stability is most influenced by the people he/ she interacts with. If the child experiences constant changes in the caregivers he/ she has developed an attachment to, a sense of being abandonment might set in.

Children can quickly develop close bonds with the people they interact with. Moreover, children usually feel more confident around environments and people who are familiar. If such people or environments change constantly, the child might feel insecure and have a hard time developing closer relationships with the people around.

This means that you need the assurance that the caregiver, who will work directly with your child, would be there for a long enough period. Perhaps, a year or so. It would also be wise if you can select one facility that your child would attend without having to transfer from one to the other.

3. Ask About Any Detail That May Seem Insignificant, As Long As It Matters To You

We know very well that each human being has certain unique perceptions and personal values. Hence, just because a caregiver is well-trained in proper care of children doesn't necessarily mean that he/ she has similar values as you do.

In this regard, you shouldn't be too embarrassed to inquire about certain issues that you are concerned about, yet most people wouldn't even worry about. Whether it may be a certain preference on the type of snacks to feed your child or how much television the child can watch, make sure you raise your concerns.

Child Care Northern Beaches offers and ideal environment that fosters an all-round development of your child. Our facility ensures a balanced emphasis on both academic and social development. We also work closely with parents in creating a loving and happy learning environment. View at http://www.madchildcare.com.au for more details.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Important Issues In Day Care, Apart From Learning And Play

For a day care facility to provide the best environment for learning and play, many other aspects must be carefully handled. Hence, when you see kids having the time of their lives in a friendly and conducive environment, you should realize that so many issues play a role in the background to deliver such exemplary results.

1. How Feeding Is Handled

Nutrition is a key component in the general well-being of humans, especially young kids. Childhood is a period characterised by rapid growth and development, which requires ample nutrition. Hence, a child care facility must have proper policies in handling nutrition of your child.

Whether the facility will provide food or this would remain the responsibility of parents, the centre would still play a significant role in the nutritional needs of the child. If kids are required to come with their own food, it's important for the institution to advice parents on proper nutrition for their kids.

When the centre provides food, proper nutritional requirements must be observed. This is clearly detailed within the recommendations by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC), which consists of five main food groups (vegetables, cereals, lean meats, dairy, and fats and oils).

Moreover, proper guidelines on breast feeding should be provided, in order to accommodate mothers who may wish to come in during the day to breastfeed their kids. Appropriate setups should also be provided for mothers who can provide expressed milk for their children.

2. How Good Is The Sanitation?

Proper hygiene is just as important as ensuring safety of children from physical harm. With good sanitation practises, the child care facility will always be a safe environment, free of cross-contamination and spread of harmful germs. Ultimately, there will be reduced chances of your kid falling ill every now and then, which would be detrimental to his/ her learning process.

Even as proper cleaning procedures are carried out, it's necessary that appropriate cleaning products are utilised. This means using only non-toxic products that aren't likely to cause harm to infants. Such cleaning products should have properly secured locations that are out of reach for the young kids.

Particular attention should be given to the specific areas that children would play and learn in. This also means regular cleaning of toys and other play equipment that they will play with. Such toys should be properly sanitized to avoid spread of germs.

Hygiene shouldn't just be restricted to the facility, but should also involve the children. As part of the learning process, kids need to be trained in proper hygiene practises, especially washing hands. By developing hygiene consciousness from a very early age, these kids will maintain such good, healthy behaviours as they grow into adults.

Understandably, developing proper hygiene habits in young children requires quite a bit of creativity. Caregivers may achieve this by developing interesting songs to help kids appreciate the value of good hygiene. It's also necessary that parents complement the efforts of such caregivers by fostering good hygiene habits even at home.

Day Care Frenchs Forest provides the perfect balance between child-led and teacher-led activities. Here, your child will develop both independent and individual skills, as well as collaborative and social skills. All this is achieved under a flexible curriculum that factors in the specific needs and interests of your child. Check our website at http://www.madchildcare.com.au/centres/frenchs-forest/centre-page/ for more information.