Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kitchen Design: Useful Tips While Renovating Or Installing A New Kitchen

Have you ever seen a kitchen design that looks so exotic, you think that you can hardly afford it? If that is your dream, you shouldn't give up on it. With a bit of creativity, you can achieve just about any design. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this.

High Quality Means Low Maintenance

You should never skimp on renovation costs just so you can save a few dollars. The problem with that is you end up purchasing low quality items, which will have high maintenance costs in the long run. Therefore, all the appliances and fixtures that you install must be of the highest standards possible.

If you wish to have 30% lower cost on energy bills from you oven, you would rather opt for convection ovens (based on statistics from the Consumer Energy Center). High quality items are not only cost- effective and durable, but they also require minimal maintenance while adding an even more attractive look to your kitchen.

Strategic Renovation

If you have limited finances and must choose between two design features for your remodel, you must be able to apply some strategic thinking. This means choosing specific improvements that will add the most significant value to your kitchen. Some particular design features will produce a bigger impact in your remodel compared to others.

Therefore, the very first step, before applying any renovation, is to categorize every aspect of your renovation plan based on the most essential to the least essential. Remember that what you consider essential or non-essential would largely depend on the overall design layout you want to create. This will help you rule out the non-essential features if you do need to cut any costs.

Suitable Alternatives

Home owners may become too rigid on the choice of fixtures to apply during remodeling or installation of new kitchens. This may be because they are simply not aware of the available alternatives in the market.

Before, you undertake any renovation or kitchen installation, it would be a good idea to visit various kitchen showrooms. This gives you a sample of the wide variety of fixtures and features available for your use. You just might find a whole bunch of fixtures that are much more affordable and far better than your original choices.

Always Consider The Overall Picture

It's quite easy to become fixated on one or a few key aspects of your kitchen layout, while neglecting other seemingly in insignificant aspects. In fact, you should beware of spending excessive amounts on a few key features without doing much to improve other aspects of your kitchen layout. When you do this, you are more likely to end up having an odd-looking kitchen, rather than a uniform and appealing design.

This is particularly evident when altering color layouts. Any color changes would also need to be completed with lighting alterations to bring out the expected results. Based on scientific research, people tend to rate the pleasantness of colors depending on placement, size and shape of lighting within the room (based on a 1985 research report, titled "Three Comparisons of Incandescent and Fluorescent: Color or Luminaire?"). Obviously, painting your kitchen a sunny yellow green color isn't going to do much good if it has very limited lighting to illuminate it.

Apollo Kitchens offers professional kitchen installation and renovation services, suited to varying client needs. Check out our website at for more design and ideas for your kitchen.

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