Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Reincarnation Is The Only Way Forward And Back

Floating above my body and looking down on it was one thing but then being in total darkness with the Spirit of the Universe was a wonderful experience. Next while floating above my parents I witnessed their marriage one month before my birth. Just prior to that my new life was shown to me as a line stretched out ahead and it pitched up and down as the joys and pitfalls to be gone through. The age of 45 years stood out and directed my new life accordingly.

The world I came back to is a confusing, evil and dark place and only because of the Spirit have I returned. There was a job known to me from other lives and the one thought on my mind when I passed from my previous life was that at last I can do it.

It would take all of the 45 years to learn the job and to gain the tools to perform it. Two months past that birthday the Spirit pinned me to the bed with such force that I could not move a muscle. It commissioned me to "tear down the wall of churches, go out to the people and bring back the young.".

The three visions that followed showed me replacing Jesus Christ as the teacher on the mountain. My face was on a screen that is now used to view the Internet and that is the tool given to me to publish the work. The year was 1984 and many visions and other commissions soon followed.
The next order was to take God off the cross. It happened when a man on a cross stood in front of me and on his face was the pain and suffering seen so often in the eyes of many who are under the influence of evil. It showed rejection, confusion, loss, agony, innocence and above all it questioned why?

Why? Why does man think he is made in the image of God? Why does man destroy when the Spirit creates? Why does man pray to images he has made for himself instead of to the voice within? Why does man use trickery, deceit, lies and wilfulness to gain what he considers success when all the time he serves only himself and the power of the establishment.

Money is not from God but is a man-made resource. Every animal on earth lives and survives on what the Great Spirit has given to them. That is until man comes along and rips down their habitat to turn it into money. Every animal breeds and creates homes out of what God has provided. That is until man tears down the forests and destroys their refuges for the sake of money.

Humanity is its own worst enemy. Man knows only how to undo and abuse nature. He has no concern for how the systems work.

Yet despite all of this there is only one thing in control and that is the Spirit. It created everything including mankind and it set humanity on a course that will see it come to its end in the very near future. Wars; nuclear weapons; disease; loss of land; soil turning to salt; droughts; climate change; global warming; and so much more are all part of how man thinks. These things are not done by anyone who has the mind of God but by those who are too confused, bewildered and evil to even know the real God.

Religions have buried the truth and hidden the Spirit by the wall erected by their lies, tricks, smoke screens and evil intent is to blame. That wall is too high, wide and deep to go around, over or under and it was shown to me as having been erected by the two beasts of Revelation.

It was shown to me in a vision when a group of people were gathered on a hill-top and gazed at a large perforated stone. They faced east and as the sun rose the rays penetrated the hole and formed the wonderful brilliant image of rainbow colored circles.

This was the 'Zoro-Aster' or 'morning star'. It was called 'Ma-r-i' or 'Mary' and the name stuck. 'I-s-ma-l' means 'eye's light-mother god' and as 'I-s-l-m' it became 'Islam'. 'Obrama' is a Muslim name and Mary is a common Islamic name for females.

The descendants of Ismal built and occupied the city of Babylon. They became the 'Amors' or 'O-m-or' which means 'circle of the mother sun'. 'Or' is an old term for sun and 'o-r' is 'circle of power'.

The Spirit taught me how to read old languages and to decipher the symbols and sounds used. They were forms from basic images made by the sun, such as the cross. Men thought they could rise with sun at dawn and become her mate if they died on the cross and passed through the circle with 'her'.

'Her-o' gave them the name 'hero' while 'the-o' is an old term for 'god'. It is in words like 'theology' for that reason. Circles identify the men who are considered her mates and they still wear them on their heads for that reason. Skull caps are worn by most religious people, including the pope.

The Amors migrated as they violently worked their way into the Mediterranean. They raided, murdered, enslaved and built a massive empire that few have heard of. That is because their final city of note was 'Roma' reverse 'Amor' where they became the 'Romans'. Their rampaging acts never ceased as they conquered and slew their enemies in raids that were nothing short of barbaric.

One of their numbers was Constantine who established the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD and gave his Islamic religion a new look. He set up Mary as the 'mother of god' and he put forward the image of Jesus Christ as a replacement for all the males who died every year as part of the marriage ceremony to Mother God.

It was the two beasts who built the wall and their cohorts in the deception were people like Jerome. He compiled and partly wrote the New Testament which was part of his effort to unite the church at the end of the 4th CAD. He notes in his diaries and letters how he altered the Septuagint, which he titled the Old Testament, to make it align with his text. He also claims to have 'put back' what he said the Jews had removed.

Revelation 13:13 -18 describes Constantine's role in it and in verse 17 it states that he took control of commerce and trade. He is also 666, the most feared man in the world and yet people secretly worship him.

Expose the identity of the two beasts, take God off the cross, and break down the wall. There is only one Creative Spirit and man was not made in its image. Some, however, have the spirit within and have been led and guided to grow in strength of their spiritual power through suffering, death and resurrection.

That is the message for all to consider.

---------------------------------------------------- Norma's true reincarnation story is free download from this site. proves there is no Jesus Christ but deception and conspiracy to make people believe otherwise. Norma has spent the last 30 years piecing together the giant puzzle of how and why humans are the way they are. The Spirit determined that at this time all things will be known and she was chosen to expose the truth.

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