Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learn Plumbing Skills To Solve Basic Problems

You may have noticed that employing a plumber can prove costly but why not spare yourself the expense by learning how to solve basic problems yourself.

There are many complex plumbing problems that require the skills of a fully qualified tradesman, however, there are basic issues around the house that can be solved with a little know-how.

By taking basic plumbing courses with approved training centres, you can gain an amount of background knowledge about what skills are necessary to undertake simple tasks at home.

You might find after completing a basic plumbing course that there are several typical problems that can be solved and your training will have incorporated real-life situations to help you do this.

One of the most common plumbing problems that occur around the house is leaky fixtures and fittings and a basic course will explain that the first step to combat this issue is to shut off the valve.

After shutting off the valve the next thing is to check for any obstructions that may be causing the overflow of water like various types of debris such as hair, scum and food particles.

Another typical problem that homeowners have to deal with is blocked drains and toilets which is an issue that can sometimes be solved without the help of a professional plumber.

To fix a blockage you will need to remove or dislodge the obstruction with the aid of a plunger or plumber's snake, however, if you fail after many attempts it may be the right time to call in a professional.

If your property has a burst pipe, you will need to immediately locate the main shutoff valve and close it before the water spreads any further and then make certain that there is no trapped water or steam in the pipes before calling for a plumber.

Frozen pipes are a common problem in British homes during the winter and if this happens in your property then you must close of the main shut off valve before trying to repair anything.

All of these plumbing predicaments are fairly typical and taking basic courses will help you get to grips with these situations without having to pay large sums of money to a tradesman, however, will not qualify you to work on gas.

If you think that your property might have a gas leak, then you are advised to leave the premises immediately and call in a Gas Safe registered engineer.

Able Skills provide training through green energy courses, electrical courses and plumbing courses. Able Skills have opened an Energy Saving Training Centre to provide approved training on the installation of energy efficient forms of heating and lighting. Visit the website at for more information.

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