Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

When the man you love dumps you, it can be hard to know what to do. All you know is that you want to get your ex boyfriend back. You want to get this done no matter what it takes. You be glad to learn that it doesn't have to be difficult to get your ex boyfriend back. Not only can you get your ex back, you can also do it to make yourself feel better and get over the pain of losing him in the first place.

(1) Don't Fall Apart

The best thing you can do for yourself and to increase those chances of getting the love of your life back is not to fall apart. This doesn't just mean your feelings and respect but also your appearance. It does matter. You don't have to maintain the same look you had while you were dating your boyfriend. Now that he is out of the picture… get a new do. Get a haircut or hairstyle, buy a few outfits or start exercising. Whatever you think will help you get over the issue, do it… so long as it's a healthy outlet.

Believe it or not, when you improve how you look, you start getting attention from other guys. You turn into a totally different person. If your ex sees you with someone else, it may make him go nuts. When other guys are paying attention to you, it's a shot of self-confidence you need to face life head on. You don't have to be serious about any of them but it's a great way to feel better about yourself and make him jealous, all at the same time.

(2) No Pity Parties

Don't just sit there having a pity party for yourself. In fact, this is the worst thing you could do for yourself. Instead, get up off that couch, get dressed (looking really good) and have a good time with some friends. Go to the places where you won't have time to think about your ex boyfriend.

If your ex boyfriend sees you having a good time when he thinks you should be mourning your loss, then he starts thinking about everything that you did together and wonders why he broke up with you in the first place. You want him to see you like this. You don't want him to think, "Thank goodness I dumped her." His getting jealous may not be enough to bring him back to you but it is the beginning.

(3) No Contact

Now remember you want his attention. You also don't want to get negative attention. The best thing for you to do is to lay off contacting him for a minimal time such as a month. This time gives you and your ex some reflection time and space so you can know for sure what you want and get your heads right. Remember the saying… absence makes the heart grow fonder.

This can be difficult when you are sitting around mourning your loss. However, staying active will help you in dealing with the break up. Giving this time off allows you the chance to miss him and him you. You'll find that this one month time frame allows you to understand your ex better. If you decide to forgo this step, you may find yourself dealing with the same problems as before as well as more stress piled on. Before you know it, you two will be over before it had a chance to begin again.

It's not an impossible feat to get your ex boyfriend back. It just takes some time, patience and some help. You alone have what it takes to make your ex come back. You just have to figure out what is best for you in the long run especially if he is someone you love so much.

Visit right now if the only question running through your mind right now is how to get my man back then you must be prepared to change your approach soonest possible.

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