Friday, March 23, 2012

Getting In An Economics Degree Program And Rocking It

You just might achieve rock star status if you are considering an economics degree program. While Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System may not be your idea of a rock star, he has something incredible in common with rock star and cultural icon Mick Jagger— they both rock a degree in economics. Far from the dull degree some imagine it to be, a Masters in Economics is filled with insight, strategy, and powerful change.

What is the Study of Economics?

Many people mistakenly believe that economics is all about money. While in the course of gaining a degree in economics you do learn about wealth, the stock market and much more, the heart of economics is actually something much more valuable. Economics is the study of the logic of business management, of human action in wealth and in poverty. It is used in political science, business and even in biology. The movie A Beautiful Mind highlighted The Game Theory which is based in economics and the discipline has even inspired people like Charles Darwin.

An Economics Degree is an Excellent Platform for Success

Economics is a powerful way of thinking that trains individuals to see the world differently by analyzing the costs and benefits of particular actions and examining the marginal changes that impact a society in large ways. This launch pad for graduate work in public policy, finance and law is a challenging discipline.

Rocking a Degree Means Opportunity

A degree in economics equals job security and a diverse field of job opportunity, no matter the current state of the economy. According to the Bureau of labor Statistics, government agencies hired 52% of all economists in 2006. The degree will also open doors in nonprofit organizations, healthcare, wealth management, banking, and consulting. The opportunity is not reserved to your home turf here either as there are amazing opportunities to implement meaningful strategies abroad as well. Small changes deliver significant change within local economies and local businesses and economies depend on the valuable insight provided by economists all over the world.

Even if you do not end up with an adoring crowd of groupies, a degree in economics is still a great choice for those wanting a career path that includes getting to the heart of life and the ability to affect meaningful change in the world. You may even find that a Doctorate in Economics is in your future!

A Masters in Economics brings opportunites to impact the world for a better future, as Micah Perez uses a Masters Degree in Economics to this advantage. Open those doors of opportunity even wider with a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Wyoming. Visit for more information.

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