Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What To Expect From Speech Therapy

Speech therapy involves the treatment of patients with communication difficulties. When patients participate in speech therapy, they will learn speech techniques through special exercises designed to help overcome the problem that is causing the speech problem. There are a number of specific types of activities and aspects involved with a speech therapy session.

When participating in speech therapy, the first you will do, whether you are an adult or a parent taking your child to speech therapy, is get a patient assessment which is performed by the speech therapist. This will include taking a detailed account of your medical history so that therapist can get an overall picture of the speech condition. The therapist may also run some exercises with you that will help in getting a better sense of the problem causing the speech issue. The patient assessment can run anywhere from one to two hours and if it is a child being assessed, special non stressful tests may be performed and the parents will be there to provide any requested information.

Speech therapy tests can include: recording the patient repeating sounds and words, an x-ray of the side of the palate, using a special light scope to look through the nasal passages to get a better view. After the testing is all done, the speech therapist will create a report that is founded on the results of the tests. If required, the patient assessment report will be forwarded to other health professionals, or if the patient is a child, it is sent to the teachers and the parents. For a child, the assessment and testing involved in the evaluation can include playing with the child. The therapist will observe how the child behaves and interacts. Other tests for a child can include showing the child toys, words, sentences, and pictures, and asking questions to assess response. There may possibly be more than one appointment which will depend on the type of speech difficulty.

After the initial review, the speech therapist will advise you on what is suggested as a course of speech therapy. This can be a custom designed treatment plan, or a referral to a specialist such as a hearing specialist. Regular therapy sessions can be on a weekly basis and the program will be designed around the diagnosis of the speech problem. The point of the therapy is to make communication better and easier and the therapy may be in an office setting as well as at-home therapy exercises. The therapist will note the patient's development and make changes in the treatment protocol as needed.

Speech is the making of sounds to communicate. It involves the lips, tongue, teeth, vocal cords, and lungs. Speech therapy is the treatment of a speech disorder that cause problems being able to communicate, understanding others when they communicate, or problems properly putting words together. Many speech therapists work in such areas as developmental delays, learning disabilities, autism, voice and enunciation, strokes, dementia, and brain injury. Speech therapists help children and adults overcome their speech problems.

There is a new way to experience live telespeech without attendance. The implement of new technology realized the goals of long-distance telespeech and online speech therapy. Even better than being there in person, the program satisfies the face-to-face interaction and efficient communication at the same time.

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