Sunday, September 16, 2012

Getting Into An Ivy League College

There are about 6 schools that are formally defined as "Ivy League Colleges", the term however is also used to refer to any institution of higher learning that may have a long history of advanced curriculum. Getting into an Ivy League school can be a challenge since they are so demanding and hold such high standards. But if you have performed very well academically and also have extra curricular activites and social club related experiences and performance you have as good as a chance as anyone.

Each school has their own application and acceptance process, and it is a good idea to find out as much as possible about that process for 2 or 3 of your top choices for an Ivy League school. Select your top 3 and begin the application process. There are books and information online from people who have been through the process or have participated in the application and acceptance process.

The smartest thing to do is to begin your search at the beginning of your senior year. The first part of your search should be to target the school you want to attend. Make a short list of your top 3 choices. Each school has it's own history, character and of course sports program, so pick the top 3 that you think will be a great fit for you, your character and your long term career plans. Your parents or friends of your parents may have some input and some influence that may be of value to you. Don't be afraid to ask around if you are not sure, they will love it.

After you identify your target colleges the next step is to get as much information as possible about their application and acceptance process and policies, don't look at one without looking at the other, they are very closely related. Start preparing yourself to apply during your senior or even junior year at high school, it takes time and you don't want to be in a rush.

Another great tip is to remember to manage stress. This cannot be overstated. Remember, this is your life, not your parents. If your gut feeling is telling you otherwise and people are pushing you in a certain direction, take some time off and spend some quality time considering your options, don't be afraid to make tough decisions. You are the one who will be taking the classes, doing the homework and taking notes during lectures, so take your time and make sure you make a decision that you think is the best for you. Involve your close friends in your decision making. It is not worth getting stressed out over or ruining your life because of pressure.

Put together your application exactly as the college requires. Make copies of the original application so that you can fill out some practice applications first. Remember, until they meet you in person, you are being represented on paper, so make sure that paper representation stands out and is perfect.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that these Ivy League Colleges need you. They need energetic, bright minds as you are the future of this country.

Jessica Wallner is a guest blogger for a website devoted to helping high school students get into the Ivy League College of their choice. For more information please visit:

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