Saturday, September 22, 2012

More Unique Dominican Republic Customs

?Necessity is the mother of invention? and the origin of every weird custom in society. For example, why is the number 13 so feared in Western society? There isn't one widely accepted theory, yet the most popular ones point to antisemitism (13 is lucky in Judaism), the hangman's noose requires 13 coils to actually snap a neck, and finally King Philip of France ordered the arrest of the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th in 1307. Perhaps the idiosyncrasies of the Dominican people have just as logical origins.

Lots of Talk - Dominican nationals like to talk. They like to have conversations with whoever is around, whether they are acquainted or not. People talk about the price of beans or the weather, or that crazy person on the street, but everyone talks a great deal. It speaks well of their inherent friendliness.

Honk - Car horns are used a lot by drivers in the Dominican. When there is a traffic jam, every single driver will be leaning on their horn without stopping until everything is cleared up. It's tradition. In fact, one could say the car horn is the voice of the vehicle, and since Dominicans like to talk, using the horn is their way of communicating. En masse and via horn.

Many, Many Names - Dominicans usually have at least four or five names. For example, one world famous Dominican fashion designer was born Oscar Aristidies de la Renta Fiallo. Known world-over as simply Oscar de la Renta. In addition to the name tradition, Dominicans give their friends and relatives a lot of nicknames. Sometimes they are nonsense words like 'kookie', and other times they have a meaning like 'el gordo' (fat) or 'el flaco (skinny).

No Shorts - For some reason Dominican men do not wear shorts. Women and children do, but men wear their long pants with golf shirts even when the humidity is 100%. Also, as a challenge, look for any Dominican man in long pants and a golf shirt, that is sweating on a hot day. Call it acclimatization or adaptation, but it is still rather remarkable.

No Secrets - Dominicans don't keep secrets. Perhaps it is a question of loyalty, maybe it is the fact that Dominican society is very focused on the community as a whole. Everyone is a family member, a friend. Thus, the Dominican people don't believe in keeping secrets.

There are probably a million other little Dominican customs and habits we haven't listed here, all of them useful to the Dominican traveler. Yet with this list, one can head off to the tropical paradise with at least a starting point of information.

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