Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tips On How To Learn French Fast

French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. It is no wonder so many people want to learn how to speak it. If you are thinking about learning French, you must understand that it will take a lot of energy and patience. Learning French is more than just memorizing vocabulary words from a book; it takes a lot of learning and practicing to master this language. If you are really determined to learn French fast, you will need a lot of discipline and motivation. Learning a second language will make you more marketable for certain jobs. Here are some tips on learning the French language.

Take a French Class

One of the best ways to learn French is to take a class. During a French class, an experienced instructor can help you master the language. Sign up for a French class at your local community college. Do not hesitate to ask your classmates to study French with you after class.

Watch French Movies With English Subtitles

Try to watch at least two French movies a week. You can rent these movies at your local library or order them online. Sit back on your couch, and watch a French video on a night you are not busy. Listen to how the people in the movie pronounce the words. Do not hesitate to rewind the movie a few times if you did not catch something.

Read French

Read French every day, whether it is an article in a magazine or a book. Make a list of the words you are not familiar with, and look them up. Then, read the article again as you refer to the list. If French literature and magazine articles are too difficult, you might want to consider reading French children's books; the words will be much more simple.

Visit France

If it is feasible, you should visit France for a few weeks to get immersed in the language and culture. When you are around people who speak French fluently, you will be able to pick up the language a little. If you know someone who already speaks French, ask her to go on your trip with you, so she can tell you what other people are saying. If you go by yourself, bring a French vocabulary book with you. Carry this book with you at all times. If you hear someone say a word you do not understand, look it up in your vocabulary book.

Use Flashcards

Using flashcards is a great way to learn French. Write down vocabulary words on several flashcards, and ask one of your friends to quiz you. If you get all of them right, you should give yourself a small reward. Spend at least 30 minutes every day practicing your flash cards. Doing so will help you learn the French vocabulary words.

If you follow these tips, you should learn French in no time. Your friends and family members will be impressed at how quickly you learned the language.

Need an easy-to-follow course that helps you learn French fast! Check out my site and find out how you can sign up for your free, no-obligation Lifetime Trial!

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