Friday, May 25, 2012

Different Kinds Of Black Magic

Magic is the art of causing a few changes in a certain situation by forcing a person to conform to a person's will. Man's natural inclination to love and to hate has created two types of magic, that is white magic and also black magic. White magic can help mankind, and those who practice this type of magic are actually motivated by kindness and compassion. However, black magic seeks to cause a negative effect, and those who are victims of a black magic spell may suffer from misfortunes or injury.

A sorcerer is a person who practices black magic. They cast spells that can cause discomfort to the sufferer. These kinds of spells may be powerful and can affect the person in a significant and detrimental way. The typical reason for a spell cast by sorcerers is evil, which spells can manipulate a person's life. Generally, those who use black magic have greed for power and control. They will aim to control the world and seek to have the power to dominate or rule others.

Sorcery is one of the kinds of black magic. This is performed to be able to achieve a particular goal. It uses some images that represent the vicitm. As an example, a wax image of a person is heated over a fire, to cause the victim's death or perhaps his suffering. A number of sorcerers with kinder intentions would spread blood throughout a field to create a plentiful harvest during the coming crop season. Sorcery is a kind of folk magic which has been in existence for many centuries.

Necromancy is yet another form of black magic. This refers to the act of conjuring the spirits of those who are already dead. Some people would want to seek advice from the spirits for counsel or to ask questions regarding life after death. This process occurs during a séance, an event where the medium enters into a hypnotic trance. The medium summons the spirits and lets them enter his or her body. Then, the spirit speaks to people through the medium. Relatives as well as friends of the deceased may opt to employ a séance, so they can talk to their departed loved one about any important issue. They may also seek for reassurance that the deceased loved one is at peace in the afterlife.

Black magic becomes harmful when a person suffers or dies because of the spell. Nonetheless, some forms of black magic may be beneficial if the purpose does not create a negative effect. As an example, those who use a money spell to rid them of their bills may not cause direct injury to others. Still, it is important for people to find out the possible consequences of the magic spell just before they decide to use any type of magic.

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