Sunday, May 13, 2012

Take A Risk Assessment Course When Looking For Corporate Security Training

Corporate security positions are available in virtually every state in the U.S. From security directors to basic security positions, corporations are seeking qualified individuals to fill the slots. As many security professionals transition from the "bodyguard" type to a more professional perception, they seek out corporate security training. When searching for a source of training potential students must understand the importance of taking a risk assessment course along the way.

Many of the job listings for corporate security executives list, "Demonstrated Threat/Risk Assessment Skills" as one of the preferred requirements of applicants. Why are risk assessments so valuable? Simple, a good risk assessment allows the organization to efficiently place resources to mitigate risks and possibly avoid major problems. Risk assessments provide the organization the ability to be "fore-warned." When there is a forewarning an organization can prepare itself for the potential outcome, effectively becoming "fore-armed."

Corporate security training encompasses many areas of security/ protection. Schools or courses providing corporate security training often focus on physical security applications such as driving skills, personnel protection, security posts, and access controls. Some of the better locations also provide education into the business aspect of security such as contracts, and legal considerations. Corporate security training in itself does not necessarily mean risk assessments are covered.

A risk assessment course provides understanding of the risk assessment/ risk management process. This process is how threats are managed in relation to the goals of the organization. Risk managers use the information from a risk assessment to better understand how a negative event can happen and what the effects will be. By understanding this process corporate security specialists know how to identify threats and/or risks and prepare reports that can be understood by those who work to mitigate those risks.

Threat assessments are not isolated to buildings or organizations as a whole. Threat assessments also apply to the basic protection plan and how it is to be carried out. Knowing where physical attacks come from and how to deter or prevent them is paramount in the role of corporate security. The security specialist often becomes both the risk assessor and the risk manager. As threats change, the security specialist must understand how to change tactics to meet the new/altered threat.

There is no doubt a security specialist with corporate security training is a valuable asset to any type of organization. Even more valuable is that same specialist who has taken, at a minimum, a risk assessment course. Organizations rely heavily on risk assessments and want to ensure those conducting them have at least a working knowledge of how to conduct one. Because of this need many universities are providing risk assessment classes in their curricula. These classes go beyond the basic understanding and prepare the student to understand the many facets of preparing a risk assessment. Since threats can be internal, external, malicious or accidental, the better prepared the student is at the end of a program, the more likely they are to succeed in the corporate security field.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, risk assessment course, corporate security training, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

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