Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ProCompromise: A Question Neither Side ProChoice/ProLife Has Asked, If Answered, Can End The Debate

Hey, I am sorry, but can anybody be more annoyed as I am about the Pro Life vs. Pro Choice debate. Well, ...besides a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. And, an embryo shortly before its aborted? ( I wrote that as a question because that's a big part of the argument, "Does LIFE start at conception?". I don't know and more than likely given that we have the limitations of being mortal, no one else really knows either. Right?

But, one thing that I do know, if we work together from both sides of the debate, we can do away with the existing Pros. Then comes to a Pro Compromise.

A Pro Compromise is the settlement of differences between Pro Choice and Pro Life. To be fair about it, both sides have very good points. But, since they are so polar opposites and the winning methodology will govern so many different types of people, with so many varied believes and distinct situations. So, a compromise between the two will have a lot to overcome. Right? Wrong!..., at the least, I think so. There are only two main issues.

Here are the differences between the two issues. They are in a very simple explanation, but I think it is still spot on. Pro Choice focuses mainly on the rights of the mother, to have a baby or not, for whatever her reason. Pro Life focuses of the life of the baby, without taking in the desire, situation, and/or ability of the mother, to have said, baby. Right? Well, I think so.

It seems that each side is talking at one another and not listening to the other side. All I hear after awhile is: I'm right and you are wrong. Well basically.

Okay with that said, I really hope and pray that this will sound obvious to you. I mean to the point of DA! So, here is my attempt for a Pro Compromise.

To satisfy both the Pro Choice and Pro Life's main concerns. The mother or female will be able to terminate her pregnancy, without terminating the life of the embryo/baby.

But, first before we start, here are two definitions. These are for someone like me; that is completely layman when it comes to medical terminologies and procedures.

1. The trans-vaginal ultrasound aspiration. This is simply, the way that doctors surgically retrieve mature eggs from an egg's donor, for vitro fertilization and/or surrogate implantation. It can be preformed up to a couple of weeks from conception.

2. A Caesarean section (C-section) is used when early delivery is necessary due to medical reasons and/or vaginal delivery might pose a risk to the mother or baby. It can be preformed as early as 7 1/2 months.

So, one of the main reasons why I mention the two definitions above, is to remind us that we can remove embryo/baby without aborting him or her.

Okay, since I don't have a working laboratory, so I will invite you into my imagination. Well, for a while. Then you don't have to go home, but you got to leave here, ha.

Okay, now here, please put on a pair of my rose colored glasses. Fair warning, this is not intended to be the answer to our problem, but is the question that our medical professionals should be asking themselves.

Just imagine that we could create an artificial womb to place the embryo in so that it can develop to maturity. And, it is not like this is so farfetched and completely out there. Because, medical professionals have been making strides with the cloning of the human body parts. Also, they have been experimenting with 3D printing of the human body parts. And, they have conducted inter-species transplantation (hogs' heart, etc). So, it stands to reason that they can, probably in the near future, create a functioning artificial womb.

Now, once a functioning artificial womb is accomplished. They can stop aborting the embryos and transplant them into a functioning artificial womb.

This will create the best of both worlds. The woman will not have to carry, nurture, and/or care for the embryo/baby. And, the embryo/baby gets to live.

Hey, just a thought. Well anyway, it could break the stalemate and allow us, meaning everyone, to win. Checkmate! So, that's the paradigm, and this maybe the tool to shift it. Now, let's get to shifting.

I know that social change is at best hard and very slow moving. But, I hope that the simple pointing out of this rudimentary solution, will stimulate the minds that are much more suited for the task of bring the Pro Compromise into fulfillment.

Then the debate will be more about corrective or fine tuning of the Pro Compromise, like:

*How to care for the children, until they are productive adults.

*Improving orphanages and foster care.

*Giving more support and education to people who want to adopt. Etc.

This is the end, and I hope, and pray you enjoyed it.

Thanks for paying attention.

I'm Ray Judson JR-II from Um-What,Llc. A newly established private think tank with ideas that are aligned with the betterment of the world. We have a couple of very thought provoking ideas and a few little do-dads that will make you go hmm, to check them out at http://www.umwhatllc.com And, we are crowd-funding for an immensely clever idea that will stop 99%+ of identity theft before the transaction is made, go to http://www.identityfraudfix.com

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