Friday, March 14, 2014

UN-nese: Developing An International Language From Knowledge And Techniques That We Already Use

Hello Everyone,

Here is a very interesting do-dad, it is named U-N-nese, from its namesake U.N. or United Nations: An innovating idea that use an existing technique in a new way, for an international language. This is The Rosetta Stone for the modern age.

Just for comparison: an excerpt from

Why is it in three different scripts?

The Rosetta Stone is written in three scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt.

The first was hieroglyphic which was the script used for important or religious documents.

The second was demotic which was the common script of Egypt.

The third was Greek which was the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time.

The Rosetta Stone was written in all three scripts so that the priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said. End of excerpt.

U-N-nese is simply, the using of sign language (combination of American sign language (ASL) and/or The International Sign language) to communicate with others with different languages.

The short and sweet of it. U.N.nese in comparison to the original Rosetta Stone, the first language, is yours the second language is the universal signing, the third is that of the foreign person.

Imagine, if everyone adopted an international sign language as their second language. Regardless of what language we spoke, we could communicate with one another. This would allow everyone to communicate freely with everyone else, breaking the language Barrier. And, when it comes to written content. We can use written stick figure hands; that will sign out what is written. It can use arrows, faded lines, dotted lines, and/or etc to show the movement of the stick figure hands. They will be used very much as Asian characters are. They will sit just under the correlating words and sentences in signs, newspapers, and any-other written works.

I believe that this is a very good compromise. Because, there are over a hundred languages and probably up to a dozens or so variation of each one of them. So, it is not very practical to try to learn every language in the world, but learning U-N-nese is very feasible in comparison.

Also imagine this, if you communicated with someone using U-N-nese, that spoke another language, you both with be teaching your own language and learning theirs, as you communicated with one another. Besides, I have read that even prime-apes successfully use it.

It's just that simple. And, Remember communication is the key to true cooperation, peace, understanding, and maybe... even love.

And, FYI. American Sign Language has very little to do with the English language and letter word spelling, for the like of a better description. And, from how I understand it, it kinda, is the hand drawing of pictures, in mid-air and the using of gestures of the hand, face, and body that can not only describe words but whole description of the subject matter at hand, ha. There, it is in a nutshell.

Thanks for paying attention.

I'm Ray Judson JR-II from Um-What,llc. A newly established private think tank with ideas that are aligned with the betterment of the world. We believe we have a few thought provoking ideas and some little do-dads that will make you go hmm, to check them out at Also, we are crowd-funding for an immensely clever idea, that will stop 99%+ of identity theft before the transaction is made, at

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