Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Off/On Maneuver - New Thoughts On The Eradication Of HIV, The Virus That Causes AIDS

Hello everyone,

I truly believe, if you give me your attention, I will WOW you. Maybe, not in presentation, but definitely in content.

I have read recently that they, have reportedly, cured a baby and a few others of HIV/AIDS. Now, that is a very good thing. The problem is they can not reproduce it. They do not know and understand the complete mechanism that resulted into the cure. They are seemingly stumbling around in the dark. They may eventually find the light switch. Right? But, until then here is a flashlight.

To all doctors and medical professionals, please excuse my theory for being written in a straight forward, simply put, and layman's format or style. This is due to me not being a medical professional, what so-ever. But, if you will work through the lack of my professionalism, you will see that the Off/On Maneuver may hold some merit.

The Off/On Maneuver

The Off/On Maneuver is a theory that suggest, a new way for us to look at the cure of AIDS. Instead of trying to boost or fortify the immune system, the Off/On Maneuver will disrupt the HIV's existence cycle or life cycle, depending on your point of view.

In order for a full understanding of this theory, you must first know how HIV's existence cycle works in an infected body and what is AIDS.

Here is an excerpt from an article, for a decent explaination of what the HIV is and virus Replication, which is vital to understand the Off/On Maneuver.

" By Regina Bailey, Viruses are intracellular obligate parasites which means that they cannot replicate or express their genes without the help of a living cell. A single virus particle (virion) is in and of itself essentially inert. It lacks needed components that cells have to reproduce. When a virus infects a cell, it marshals the cell's ribosomes, enzymes and much of the cellular machinery to replicate. Unlike what we have seen in cellular replication processes such as mitosis and meiosis, viral replication produces many progeny, that when complete, leave the host cell to infect other cells in the organism."

Okay, what I think she is saying in connection to The Off/On Maneuver in layman terms is that, the HIV existence cycle works by the HIV attaching to T-cells (one of the key components of the immune system). The virus then will reprogram the T-cells to stop their usual functions and start replicating more HIV inside of the T- cells, over and over until they burst the T-cells' wall, destroying the T-cells. This will release next wave of the virus into the infected person's body to repeat the cycle on other T-cells. Until there are no more or a very small amount of T-cells left, which is the definition of AIDS.

The Off/On Maneuver is a hypothesis that suggests a new way to look at the cure of AIDS. Since it is seemingly, impossible to create a drug that can completely stop the HIV from invading the T-cells and making them replicate more HIV viruses. And, also boosting or fortifying our immune system, so far, is eventually ending in early fatality. The Off/On Maneuver will disrupt the HIV's life cycle completely by getting rid of the T-cells, for a period of time. And without the T-cells the HIV can not replicate itself. Then reestablishing the T-cells, after the existing HIV has died out.

But firstly, we must establish a Homeostasis Congruent Environment (a clean room, where the patient will be placed in a sterile living area) to stop the patient (a person infected with HIV) from dying from the common cold or any other of the common illnesses that can kill anyone with a compromised immune system.

Secondly, he/she will be checked for existing opportunistic infections (EOI), and if any are found, treatment plans are implemented to eradicate or control it or them. Thirdly, we will create a Scheduled AIDS's condition (SAC): (The Off) That's right, you guessed it. We will completely get rid the patient's T-cells. There are several possibilities that I can think of that will accomplish this so health care professionals can more than likely think of many more. Some people may think a few of my ideas are inhumane, and some may seem as far-fetched as my hypothesis, but here goes (2) of them anyway.

In order of most far-fetched to most likely.:

1a. Immunosuppressive drugs, like the ones that are used to stop a patient's immune system from attacking his donated organ transplant (acute rejection). Some of them, if calibrated to the correct dosage, can possibly turn off the immune system's T-cells. And, if this one is viable, it will more than likely be the most cost effective.

2a. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Even though this may be consider by some, to be very inhumane, but there should be very little argument that almost every day somewhere in the world; this procedure causes a patient to lose her/his immune system, completely ; or greatly diminish it, and this is with the doctors trying not to. So, it stands to reason if they did try to shut the immune system off using this method, I believe, it would be very successful. (Including the T-cells, of course.)

Thirdly, after the scheduled AIDS's condition has been established. Reminder, the virus without the immune system's T-cells to host it, cannot replicate itself. So, it will die out and probably be broken down by enzymes and/or other bio mechanisms and be absorbed into the patient's body as nutrients or be dispelled out of it as waste.

Now, we will give the existing virus the appropriate length of time to die out.

Finally, fourthly, we will re-establish his immune system and including his T-cells. (The On) Here are the (2) ways to turn the immune system and it's T-cells back on, from the above way to turn it off.

1b. Immunosuppressive drugs. Easy, stop administering the drugs. Then maybe help clean the drugs from the body with the drinking of plenty water with a combination of an inferred sauna, using colonic, and/or chelation therapy. These cleansing treatments may help speed-up recover time.

2b. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment. The patient may have to receive and bone morrow transplant. The patient's HIV has die out, and he has a reestablished immune system (via T-cells), he/she is cured.

Look, I want to make it clear. I am not saying that these are the best ways to turn the immune system's T-cells off and back on. I am trying to get you to see, if we establish a Homeostasis Congruent Environment, eliminated or keep under-control the existing opportunistic infections (EOI), then turn the T-cells off, allow the proper amount of time for the HIV to die out after that is done, turn the T-cells back on. We will have a cure, bodda bang bodda boom. I know with the advancement in anti-viral medicines this may not be an immediate alternative for the average HIV positive person. But, there are people with HIV that are anti-viral medicine resistance If properly calibrated this can be a promising alternative for them and others. Oh, and without trying to be flip about it. It can be an alternative to those of us who just don't want HIV and all of the problems that go along with it.

Thanks for paying attention.

I'm Ray Judson JR-II from Um-What?,llc. A newly established private think tank with ideas that are aligned with the betterment of the world. We have a few very thought provoking ideas and a few little do-dads that will make you go hmm, to check them out at And, we are crowd-funding for an immensely clever idea, that will stop 99%+ of identity theft before the transaction is made, go to

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