Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Choosing Your Life's Path

You never stop learning in life, with earth being one big outdoor classroom. Indeed, what we learn in life affect our decisions and what we are going to do with ourselves.

Of course, while all decisions have a bearing on our life's direction, some have a much bigger impact than others. Choosing your friends at school can have a massive impact on who you are who you spend life with, but by the same token you may not see them shortly after leaving school and that will have little effect on the remainder of your life.

The first big decision that we take for ourselves relates to which classes we want to take at school. Typically, most people have to start eliminating classes at the age of about thirteen or fourteen, and this continues right up until you decide which subjects you want to take for your final exams.

What you do after you finish school is obviously another big decision, and can be guided by your exam results as you decide whether to continue in education. Traditionally, those that could do so would, however, with spiralling tuition fees and questionable return from going to university it's beginning to look less like a straightforward choice.

Of course, what you subject you study is also influenced by your grades, but yet another big decision post-school, along with where you want to do it.

Many people leave home when they leave school, and where they want to live is a big part of their future lives. Many decide to go travelling for a few years, maybe teaching English, while others decided to try out a new city or even a new country.

The type of career you want for yourself also has a massive impact on your lifestyle, as you juggle what you're good at with what will provide you with a wage to be able to live in the style you want. Whether to start a family, whether to get married, whether you in fact like the opposite sex are other key questions that one has to face in the early years of life. Whatever path you choose to take the competition will be fierce so be prepared!

Whatever your decisions early on, as you can see there are plenty to be made and that combination will provide you with how your life we spin out, with the uncontrollable obviously impacting as well.

Fabric Architecture Ltd has been specialising in the design, engineering, manufacture and installation of tensile fabric structures since 1984. Learn more about Outdoof Classroom structures at

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