Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Study Terrorism Through Online Counter Terrorism Courses From Homeland Security Universities

Terrorism is a major threat to the United States, and all Americans are aware of the threat and the damage that can be inflicted by terrorist groups. Terrorists pledge to wage war with America, while America is at war with terrorists and their supporters. As this occurs, the United States works to defend itself against terrorists and to protect its citizens. Terrorism, then, in its many facets is worthy of in-depth study.

It is integral to the security of the country to study terrorism. The emphasis to study terrorism should surprise few people in a post-9/11 United States. By studying terrorism, the United States will keep its country and its future safe from harm, while U.S. citizens will be able to live without fear or terror that an attack might occur. To underscore the importance of studying terrorism in a post-911 world one only has to look to the pre-9/11 world. In doing so, one can see the dearth of knowledge of terrorism, and the disastrous outcome that that dearth of knowledge led to on a September day in 2001.

In 1999 the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress sponsored a report titled "The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism." In the report, it was noted that "the individual psychology of political and religious terrorism has been largely ignored." That statement is enormous, and, as history has shown, likely played a role in the terrorism problem the country faces today. Indeed, the terrorist factions who have claimed war against the U.S. have explicitly done so for political and religious reasons. Regular and serious study into the complex dynamics of terrorism may have played an important preventative role at the time against future terrorist attacks.

Studying terrorism can be considered a top priority, whether one is in counterterrorism work or an academician who can inform counterterrorism agencies. Terrorism studies earned top priority after 9/11. As the report on "The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism" noted, "a lack of data and an apparent ambivalence among many academic researchers about the academic value of terrorism research have contributed to the relatively little systematic social and psychological research on terrorism." That lack of motivation to study terrorism clearly no longer exists as a few homeland security universities have dedicated departments to study terrorism. An even clearer example of the academic community's commitment and motivation to studying terrorism, however, is the fact that a whole online homeland security university is dedicated to the study of terrorism and related fields.

The study of terrorism does not appear to be an area that will fade into obscurity. There are online programs from dedicated homeland security universities that can lead to a coherent degree in a relevant homeland security field including intelligence, counter terrorism, and protection studies. One can take online counter terrorism courses while maintaining a job and attending to family responsibilities without undue distress on their lifestyle. Online counter terrorism courses are flexible and provide the education and training needed to be competent in this dynamic and growing field. If one does not wish to seek a degree, one can always take select online counter terrorism courses outside of a degree program that are relevant to his interests. The pervasive lack of knowledge of terrorism by the U.S. and the world may have led to the state of terrorism in the world today. Homeland security universities provide specific programs to ensure that a lack of study in the area of terrorism does not persist.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, online counter terrorism courses, homeland security universities, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

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