Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pain Reliever Addiction: Putting One's Life At Risk

Oxycodone is an anti-cough medication that is also prescribed by doctors to cure pain. As the medication is taken orally, a lot of opiate addicts had been interested to use it. An addiction to oxycodone can damage relationships, families and careers.

Oxycodone abuse takes place when the person uses more of the medication to control pain. When he uses oxycodone beyond what his doctor prescribed, he will have to face dangerous consequences. The medicine is habit forming which means that a user can easily develop physical dependency or oxycodone dependency. Overdose of the substance can also cause death. Thus, it is necessary for physicians and patients to ensure that the medicine is utilized based on what it is prescribed for while reducing the risks for addiction.

Just like other narcotics, oxycodone can cause physical dependency when misused. This dependence is the physical response of the body to the prolonged use of the medicine. The body gets used to the physical changes that are caused by oxycodone and stopping the use of the medication will lead to withdrawal symptoms. Meanwhile, psychological dependence may also develop after an individual abuses oxycodone for a long period of time. This is seen in sufferers who are not able to control their cravings for the medicine and continue to it despite negative effects.

When a person has an addiction to oxycodone and goes through detoxification, he will experience withdrawal symptoms such as sleeping difficulty, muscle and bone pain, cold flashes, anxiety, kicking behaviors, runny nose, teary eyes, muscle contractions, dilated pupils and stomach spasms. During the detoxification process, the oxycodone addict may be prescribed with the medicine buprenorphine to help deal with the addiction.

Medication is the most efficient treatment for those who are dependent on oxycodone. Individuals who have been taking medicine to ease their pain are suggested to gradually lower their use of the drug until they can safely free their system from it. They can also have an antagonist treatment with nalrexone, which is a helpful treatment approach for those who have gone through detox. Moreover, buprenorphine can also be administered to these addicts to stop their cravings for oxycodone, prevent the high effects and alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Oxycodone is an opioid that is habit-forming. Therefore, patients who are taking this drug should be observed by their physicians until their pain has been cured to prevent further usage of the drug. Users of this medicine should know that drug addiction can change their lives.

You can check out oxycodone dependency to know more about oxycodone dependence

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