Saturday, October 6, 2012

How To Assess Your Child's Learning Style

Everyone learns best in different ways, and one person's style of learning won't necessarily work for another person. Have you noticed that one of your kids seems to do very well in school while another can't seem to grasp the subjects and isn't able to get good grades? Instead of becoming frustrated with your under-performing child or resigning yourself to the fact that he or she just isn't that smart, you should try to find the underlying cause of their educational struggles. In many cases, they may just have a different learning style than other kids and may need to be taught in less conventional ways. Here are some things you can do to assess your child's unique learning style.

Understand Learning Styles

Before you can adequately assess which learning style your child prefers, you must first understand that there are three main styles of learning:




Visual learners prefer to be taught with the use of images, videos, and anything else that they can see.

Auditory learners are best taught through simply speaking and listening.

Tactile learners prefer to learn by touching, or through practical application.

While many people lean strongly towards one of the three types of learning mentioned above, some people prefer the use of all three methods at once.

Observe Your Child

To determine which learning style your child responds best to, take some time to observe him. Pay attention to how he communicates with others and expresses himself. Those who are visual learners are more likely to use a lot of facial expressions to get their thoughts and feelings across, while auditory learners are typically better at speaking and expressing their thoughts through words. Tactile learners often use their entire bodies to communicate, and they may have a difficult time communicating effectively if they are not allowed to use their hands and bodies to help express their thoughts.

Next, observe your child's unique interests, because this can tell you a lot about their learning style as well. Does your child find great interest in picture books, videos, and images? Then he or she may be a visual learner. If your child is more interested in music and loud sounds, then he or she may be an auditory learner. If your child is very interested in physical activity and moving around, then he or she may be a tactile learner.

And finally, carefully observe how your child naturally solves problems. Do they look visually for an answer to the problem, or do they prefer to talk out solutions with you? Or perhaps they prefer to figure out problems with their hands. The way that your child naturally tries to solve problems can help you understand a great deal about their preferred learning styles.

Once you understand that all children are different and that they learn best with different teaching methods, you will have an easier time helping your child to excel academically. If your child is currently having problems with certain subjects or with school in general, take the time to ensure that they are being taught with their preferred learning style, and you will likely see an immediate improvement in their academic performance.

Lawrence Reaves writes for School Tutoring Academy, - a private tutoring service that assesses your child's learning style and devolopes a customized tutoring progam for your child. For more information on School Tutoring Academy or their progams visit

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