Friday, October 19, 2012

Tips For Teaching Your Children To Love Learning

Have you noticed that your kids seem to be much more interested in playing and having fun than in learning? If so, don't be alarmed, because it is normal for kids to have an aversion to the typical learning environment and to prefer playtime over school time. You were most likely the same way when you were a child, simply because you couldn't grasp just how important your education would be for your future. Some kids don't do as well in the traditional structured learning environment of public schools, but that doesn't mean that they are destined to a life of mediocrity. They probably just need the right environment to help them excel and learn how to enjoy gaining knowledge. If you want to make sure that your kids view learning as a fun and worthwhile lifetime pursuit, here are just a few tips that you can follow.

Talk To Your Children About Educational Things

If you bring up interesting educational topics in your everyday conversations, your children will discover how to become comfortable with learning, and educational conversations will start to come naturally to them. For example, the next time you take your kids out on a fishing trip, consider talking to them about how fish are able to live underwater. Or the next time you practice baseball with your child, you can talk to them about why the ball doesn't keep flying through the air when the bat hits it, but eventually falls back to earth. If you bring up educational subjects in a natural and interesting way, your children will begin to see how knowledge can help them understand everyday life. They will also begin to realize that learning can actually be fun and entertaining.

Encourage Your Children To Excel In Subjects They Are Naturally Good At

While it may be tempting to focus on your child's educational shortcomings so that they will improve at their worst subjects, it is even more important that you encourage them to excel in subjects that they are naturally good at. Imagine how you would feel if you were constantly berated for not doing well in math, but you were never praised for your excellent performance in English. Kids are very sensitive and they are more likely to despise learning if you discourage them more than you encourage them.

Expose Your Children To A Wide Variety Of Educational Experiences

One of the best ways to make learning fun is to actually have fun while learning! Learning doesn't have to be done in a rigid classroom setting, and can take place almost anywhere. To help your kids have fun while learning, consider exposing them to a wide variety of educational experiences. The possibilities for educational experiences are almost endless, and include:





Ethnic Activities


Different cities and states

National Parks

Sporting events

If you focus on making learning fun for your children, you are certain to increase their love of knowledge and give them confidence in their ability to excel in school and in life in general. Truly one of the most valuable gifts you can give to your children is the gift of knowledge and learning

Lawrence Reaves writes for School Tutoring Academy, - a tutoring company that offers tutoring services for math and english as well as many other subjects. To learn more about School Tutoring Academy and their programs, go to their website at:

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