Monday, December 17, 2012

Top 5 Tree Surgery Techniques

Tree surgery is a far more complicated vocation then many would believe. They have to be qualified in all areas of trees and plants. From detecting diseased trees, to accurately pruning any damaged branches tree surgeons do it all. Read on for the top 5 tree surgery techniques.

Crown Lifting

Trees are complicated - until they've been studied, it's almost impossible to imagine how complicated they are! One technique that is vital in prolonging a trees health is to prune it regularly. This includes Crown Lifting, which is where the lower branches of the tree are removed. Doing so makes the canopy start higher and keeps it out of the way of any traffic or passer-bys.

Crown Thinning

Trees grow exceptionally fast especially when absorbing large amounts of sunlight and water. To make sure the lower branches of the tree are able to take in sunlight, a technique known as Crown Thinning is used. This involves tree surgeons removing certain branches that are blocking light from branches below. This allows more wind and light to pass through the whole tree and keep the entire tree healthy.


Some trees are host to epicormic buds. These lay dormant in the tree bark until damage occurs to shoots higher up the tree, allowing the epicormic buds to grow. One way to encourage these buds to sprout is by pollarding the host tree. This is the removal of all branches, leaving the tree bare and encouraging the buds to sprout.


Dead branches become weak but it's a slow process for them to fall naturally from the tree, and they can fall at anytime especially during high winds. To ensure this doesn't happen, tree surgeons use the technique of dead-wooding. This is the removal of all dead wood upon the tree, either by removing branches or skimming bark from the trunk of the tree.

Stump Grinding

Finally, there are times where there is no other option other then to remove a tree. This is a technique in itself, as it is a dangerous and laborious task. Yet once the tree is removed the stump remains. This can cause many problems including fungus and decay which can spread to other plants surrounding it. A technique known as Stump Grinding removes the stump, grinding it out of the ground so there is nothing left. It's a quick and easy task and removes any risk of disease.

Artemis Tree Services provide their clients with a full range of professional tree care services to ensure your trees, shrubs and hedges remain healthy and beautiful. For more on tree surgeon London visit

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