Friday, June 28, 2013

A Simple Primer on Speed Reading Techniques

When learning speed reading, you have many choices of methods that can work for you. They will all lead you in the same direction, though, which means relearning how to read. It really comes down to using your brain in the most efficient way possible. Different techniques will use various methods to achieve the same results.

As you move towards your objective of reading faster, you will have to pay attention to a few key factors. Recall is just as important as reading, and this is one of the basic principles of the whole science of speed reading. Speed reading is useless unless you can recall the information.

The better your memory, the more valuable all of your other speed reading efforts will become. Mnemonic devices can help you do this without too much effort. Some call this memory association but it's done with intent. Since we don't have room to discuss this in detail, it's recommended that you do a little further research on mnemonic devices. But mnemonic devices are the way people can remember very long lists of words. You can find all kinds of techniques to help you retain more information once you start studying the subject.

Reading sub-vocally is one habit that you have to break if you want to read faster. That means you say the words you read in your head as you go along. Most kids learn to read by doing this and never grow out of it.

Not sub-vocalizing is one of the central principles of speed reading, and this alone speeds you up a great deal. You probably don't even realize how much faster your brain can process information because you're used to reading word by word. Speed reading courses and programs place a great deal of emphasis on breaking this habit. Because it's so different from what we've always done, this can be quite challenging for most people. Those who are young will find it easier to learn this, as they haven't been reading the traditional way for many decades.

Have you ever heard that little voice in your brain as you read along? This is something that just about everyone does and it's a habit that doesn't go away. All you can do is work on this over time and it you'll make progress with dedicated effort. You can find various little tricks to help you such as quietly humming anything while you're reading. It is helpful to realize that you're changing behavior and habits you've lived with all your life, so naturally you need to be patient.

Once you become comfortable with speed reading techniques, then practicing them is actually a fun exercise for your mind. It's not like you have to devote a ton of time to it unless you want to. That can happen but you have to be dedicated to changing your reading habits.

For more information about how to study, check out this site, . Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good Grades Guide
review here, .

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