Thursday, June 13, 2013

Simple Ways to Improve Your Memory

If you think about the people you know, you will have those who seem to have very strong powers of memory whilst others are more forgetful. In fact, it can be frustrating when talking to someone if your recollection of something seems different to theirs. Memory is more than merely an aptitude, but the simple things you do every day in your life can boost your memory. Enhance your memory with simple memory techniques in order to attain your maximum memory capacity for better daily living.

As you get older in our culture, it is likely your imagination is being swapped out by a more adult sense of logic. It's no coincidence that as a young child we use our imaginations as a way to learn new things and quickly remember them. Basic techniques to boost your memory will necessarily include encouraging an open-minded curiosity about the world. In all probability it isn't unusual for you to get puzzled by the address and not be able to recall exactly what it is. But things might be different if instead of trying to file away a number in your head you were imagining that number as a part of a blinking windows display.

Our emotions and senses in addition play a big role in our memories and you can likely think of scents and sounds that take you back vividly to a moment in your life. This is one of many reasons why many people use audio or other things that please the senses as memory aids. You can take advantage of this knowledge by playing a different piece of audio each time you have something totally new you would like to learn. When you find yourself looking for very simple techniques to boost your memory, try listening to audio as you learn.

Repetition is a better known tool used in almost all types of disciplines, typically in the form of practice, to help your mind to remember things better. So the next time you are meeting someone new, instead of thinking about how you're going to introduce yourself, repeat that person's name in your head frequently. If you get into the habit of repeating the name back to your new friend when introducing yourself, this instantly puts a much stronger association in your own mind. In fact, if you use their name in conversation as much as you possibly can in that very first meeting and you are much less likely to forget it later on.

As soon as you've really put these very simple memory boosting strategies to use, you will begin to notice a change in your ability to recall things.

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