Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tips to Help You Be a More Efficient Time Manager

Lifestyles nowadays are more stressful than they were just 20 years ago and, therefore, it is even more crucial that we learn efficient time management techniques. Regardless of whether you're a busy housewife, student, or the CEO of a big corporation, you have to wade through a lot of data each day. Whether you need help in managing your time at work or at home, the following tips can help you get more completed in a more relaxed manner.

Every person says that there just isn't enough time in each day to get everything finished. Nevertheless, if they really analyzed their habits, they would be able to discover many "pockets" of time that they fritter away. This doesn't mean you shouldn't take rests, or that you must work all day like a machine. You'd be amazed, however, if you counted up the minutes that get wasted online - searching for a new chicken recipe - or talking with friends, or even spending more time in the break room at work than we should. Each of us is guilty of these sorts of actions that, even if they only consume five minutes from each hour daily, can really add up to lost time. For instance, do you keep your Instant Messaging program open in your task bar and it beeps when someone sends you a message? Do you stop what you're doing to read and answer the message? A better solution would be to keep it switched off until you have a block of time for messaging.

One of the most useful things you can do if you would like to manage your time more efficiently is to learn how to prioritize. Using this method, you can be certain to complete the tasks that are the most critical before you move on to other jobs that need done. If possible, start your day by doing the most challenging or vital task that's on your schedule. Why keep moaning and groaning, and dreading, something that you know you will have to tackle sometime during the day? Simply complete the work! Then, it's done and you can cease thinking about it. In addition, when doing these vital tasks, give them your full attention and don't allow yourself to get diverted by other things. About a century ago, an industrialist - Charles Schwab - asked an efficiency expert, Ivy Lee, for several time management tips for his corporate staff. After advising the staff, Mr. Lee told Mr. Schwab that after one month, if he was satisfied, he could pay him whatever he thought his advice was worth
. A month later, Mr. Schwab sent Mr. Lee a check for $25,000.00 (about $300,000.00 today) since he was so happy with the results of Mr. Lee's tip. What was that tip: at the end of each day make a list of the top items you must accomplish the next day and put them in the order of their importance. In the morning, start with the first job on the list and work on it until it's done. Then, cross it off the list and start on #2. It's that simple.

Lots of people have difficulty assigning work to others, and the idea of outsourcing scares them to death. However, both of these strategies can save you lots of time. Essentially, if you complain about the lack of time you have to get your work completed, reevaluate your attitude on delegation and outsourcing. The majority of people who run out of time never ever share their workload with others. Though it's true that some tasks can't be done by another person, you could very easily assign some of the lesser tasks, or routine tasks, to someone else to take care of for you. Depending on where you work - at home or outside the home - your assistant could be a child who sets the table, or a colleague who performs some of your preliminary research. Before starting any activity, it's advisable to ask yourself if it might be possible to have someone else do this for you. As you go over your list, you may decide that the answer to your question is "no", especially when this is a n
ew mindset for you. However, if you can only start with one task to assign or outsource, and go from there, you will save considerable time over time.

The above time management suggestions can help you feel less pressured each day and enable you to get more accomplished. Each minute of every day, you choose how you are going to spend your time. Each of us has a 24-hour day and how you choose to spend your minutes is up to you. By being more conscious of how you spend your time, you can start to make more sensible choices and become an even better time manager.

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