Monday, August 6, 2012

Adolescent Alcohol Addiction: Experimentation And Abusive Drinking

In many parts of the world, teenage drinking has been a major issue. For most individuals, there is no problem with modest drinking at a legal age; however, drinking in an excessive amount and under the lawful age can result in severe concerns. Research found that teenage drinking is one of the causes of fatalities among these people.

A lot of adolescents utilize alcohol for many reasons which include family influence, peer pressure and psychological problems. Alcohol use can lead to abusive drinking and substance misuse. According to experts from alcohol rehabilitation centers, adolescents are in their development years and they still have a sensitive system that can be easily impaired by the components of alcohol which may cause serious health issues.

Legal Issues

Teenage drinking may also cause legal issues especially when a young person is not at the lawful age to consume alcohol. Even if teenagers can get alcohol easily, underage drinking is still punishable by law. This could cause them to deal with fines and juvenile detention especially when they operate their vehicle while under the influence.

Poisoning due to Alcohol

Some studies say that young people who consume alcohol are likely to feel more relaxed. Because of this, they may be tempted to drink more so that they can forget about the stress in their life. As they ingest more alcohol within a short period of time, he can suffer from alcohol poisoning. This condition has symptoms that include losing consciousness, vomiting, seizures, trouble breathing and low blood sugar. In severe cases, this condition can be fatal. Because of their young age, adolescents have a body that can be profoundly impacted by alcohol.

Excessive Weight

Taking alcohol will result in gaining extra calories. As the substance is not metabolized in the same manner as foods, it can generally lead to obesity when consumed in excess. Teenagers who drink a lot of alcohol at several times in a week or day may gain weight which can result in heart complications and high blood pressure.

Sexually-Transmitted Diseases and Teenage Pregnancy

Most specialists from alcohol rehabs state that as a person's ability to make a rational thinking is diminished by alcohol, teens are prone to having an unprotected sexual activity. In many cases, this activity results in adolescent pregnancies and std's like HIV and herpes.

As the body of teenagers is still developing, alcohol can easily harm their health. It is imperative for parents to offer full attention to their teens so that they will not be lured by their peers to begin experimenting with the substance.

Jose Smith is an author on topics about and features of alcohol rehabs in Buffalo

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