Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alcohol Evaluations: Assessing The Impacts Of Alcohol To A Person's Mind And Body

A lot of alcoholics do not admit that their habit is impacting their lives and their families. An alcohol addict can be given an alcohol assessment by a doctor when the professional finds out a health concern that can be a result of the drinking habit. This assessment can also be required when an alcoholic is charged for drunk driving. An alcoholic who is able to recognize his own alcohol problem can also go through an alcohol assessment.

According to medical professionals from alcohol rehabilitation centers, an alcohol evaluation is a multipronged assessment that tests the effects of alcohol in a person's health and body. It is a tool that psychologists and doctors use to identify a person's alcohol problem and manage it. In just few hours, an alcohol evaluation is able to identify even drinking patterns that have occurred for years.

In general, an alcohol evaluation starts with urine analysis to identify the potential presence of alcohol in a person's body. This will be followed by the administration of a standard evaluation test. A patient will be required to finish a questionnaire which will ask him about his thought of his own patterns of alcohol consumption. The final part of the assessment is when the patient will meet the evaluator face to face. In alcohol evaluations, a four-question test, five-question test or a standard screening test is often utilized.

When an alcoholic's case requires an alcohol evaluation, it is likely that he is already struggling with some physical disorders. Alcohol addiction is a progressive disorder so a sufferer's physical health is expected to decline over time. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies as well as malnutrition can be endured by an alcoholic.

An alcohol assessment gathers information that offers clues as to the right treatment method that will work best for a particular patient's condition. When he is experiencing severe alcohol addiction, he should undergo detoxification. When the traces of alcohol are eliminated from his body, a medical expert may prescribe some drugs to minimize the effects of withdrawals. After the detoxification process, it is likely for the patient to be suggested to take an after-care program so that he can attend group therapy and psychotherapy sessions. During this period, the patient will try to re-establish his normal life patterns. A lot of recovering individuals attend support group gatherings as well.

An alcohol assessment is necessary to identify the specific condition of an alcoholic. This evaluation will help doctors from alcohol rehabs to come up with the right treatment plan that will work best for the patient. It is often needed especially when the sufferer's alcohol problem has been affecting his health and life in general.

Want to know more details about alcohol rehabilitation centers in Fort Worth? Kindly check out essential facts about alcohol rehabs in Louisville

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