Thursday, August 9, 2012

CNA Certification Renewal - Keeping Up To Date

It should first be emphasized that the certification issued to certified nursing assistants (CNA) is not a license per se. Instead, it is a certification attesting to the competence of the individual in terms of delivering on the expected roles and responsibilities of the job. Like any profession in the healthcare industry such as registered nurses, doctors and physical therapists, however, certified nursing aides must renew their certifications with the proper authorities; otherwise, prospective and present employers are least likely to hire their services. Of course, the certification is issued on the basis of the individual completing a CNA training program and passing the certification exam.

Here are a few things you must know about the CNA certification process.

Eligible Nursing Aides

The renewal cycle is every two years. You should check your own certification for details on its expiry and then mark it on your calendar. The specific documentary requirements for the renewal of the CNA certificate differ from one state to the next. It is then to your best interests to inquire from the concerned agency about these requirements so that you can gather the documents first before filing your renewal application form. In general, however, states require individuals who are renewing their CNA certification papers proof of their in-service training.

You should have worked as a certified nursing aide - or in any nursing-related jobs - within the past 24 months -the renewal cycle - and you should have obtained a total of 24 in-service hours. Keep in mind that your stint as a certified nursing aide should be compensated in monetary terms. We should note, nonetheless, that the state's nursing registry board has the discretion of setting the total number of in-service hours. For example, in Arkansas, the board only requires 8 consecutive hours of in-service work for the past 24 months.

Restrictions on the renewal also apply. For example, if your employer filed formal complaints for patient abuse and neglect, theft or misappropriation, the board reserves the right to suspend your certification, not renew it. If you have voluntarily surrendered your certification or it has been declared null and void, you may have to undergo another round of CNA training.

Timeframe of the Process

You should be patient in renewing your certification - it takes 2 to 3 weeks from filing to releasing of the papers. Always remember that you cannot slow down or speed up the process by initiating contact or asking about the status of your renewal application. This is the reason why you should prepare the documentary requirements, file your renewal application and pay for the fees even before your certificate expires. By the time your certificate has expired, a new one has already been issued.

Just follow the rules for renewal and you should have your certificate in good order in due time.

For more great information on cna training and cna certification we have a range of great tools and free resources on our website so visit us at today.

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