Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Crucial Information On Health Issues That Are Related To Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a severe disorder that makes a person dependent on alcohol. It is characterized by an intense craving for the substance, a failure to stop the addiction, withdrawal symptoms and continuous increase in the volume of alcohol that must be taken. An individual who is addicted to alcohol will continue to consume the substance despite evident side effects.

Alcoholism affects a sufferer in many ways especially his health, relationships, work and personal money situation. According to alcohol rehabilitation specialists, alcoholics can experience certain health risks.

Liver and Other Organ Problems

People who have been drinking alcohol for a prolonged period of time may endure cirrhosis, liver inflammation and alcoholic hepatitis. When the client never stops drinking for years, his hepatitis may result in more damages. Alcoholism can also cause gastritis or the inflammation of the stomach lining. This disorder can also disturb the absorption of B vitamins. Also, it can harm the pancreas of the individual as excessive drinking can cause problems in fat, carbohydrate and protein digestion as well as metabolism regulation.

Cardiovascular Issues

Drinking too much amount of alcohol may result in blood clots which may lead to stroke or heart attack. Cardiomyopathy can also be suffered by heavy drinkers. This condition involves the weakening of the heart muscle which eventually results in heart failure. Atrial fibrillation can also be developed because of intense drinking. With this condition, there is a chaotic twitch of the upper chamber of the individual's heart.


Many alcohol rehabilitation specialists claim that alcohol impedes the production of glucose in the liver which raises the risks of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. This becomes more damaging for those who are struggling with diabetes and for people who are using insulin to lower the level of their blood sugar.

Other Health Risks

The growth of new bones is affected by alcohol which may make the bones of an alcoholic thin. This condition may cause fractures. Moreover, men alcoholics may also experience erectile dysfunction while women who drink excessively may have menstrual issues. Pregnant women who consume alcohol excessively increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome which causes psychological and physiological disabilities to babies. Other effects of alcoholism include dementia, mental confusion, numbness, eye muscle paralysis and short-term memory loss.

Knowing the health risks of alcohol dependency is important for people to avoid the habit. When you have a loved one who is suffering from alcoholism, you should bring him to an alcohol rehabilitation facility as early as possible to avoid more health problems.

You can take a look at alcohol rehab facility to know more about alcohol rehab program

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