Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dependence On Pain Killers: The Benefits Of An Immediate Remedy To Ease Withdrawal Symptoms

Percocet is an opioid medication that can depress a person's central nervous system. It minimizes anxiety, pain, stress and insomnia while it specifically affects the neurotransmitters of the brain. The more an individual uses the drug the more he will want it because of its addictive properties.

When a person builds tolerance for Percocet, his body will need an increasing amount of the medicine. Failure to take the drug, as the body needs it, will result in withdrawal symptoms. Because of this, there is a high risk of overdose. According to addiction to percocet professionals, people who are struggling with an addiction to the drug should be treated medically to prevent serious withdrawal symptoms.

Some abuse of xanax professionals who also speciliaze in Percocet addiction say that an addiction to prescription drugs can be both physiological and mental. Percocet is physically addictive because of its oxycodone component. But people become physically dependent on the drug because of the pain relief that it offers. When the medication is bought in the internet, there is an increasing risk of abuse especially when it is purchased by a young person.

An individual becomes addicted to Percocet as his pain receptors get used to having the medicine and start to expect it. When he doesn't get enough of the medication, he will experience symptoms such as irritability, vomiting, nausea and cramps throughout the withdrawal process. These symptoms will be experienced within two to four hours after he misses the normal dose. Most of Percocet addicts will not even recognize that they have developed the disorder until they stop using the drug.

A Percocet abuser is likely to shake or suffer from flu-like symptoms whenever he is not able to take the drug. It's possible that the pain will not be localized in a particular part of the body as it may be distributed to many areas, which makes the individual believe that he needs to take more dosage of the medicine. Moreover, the addict may also have sleeping troubles. With an abuse of Percocet, the person will not be able to rest properly and his mental activity, which is triggered by the need for the medicine, will prevent him from getting the necessary sleep.

When a Percocet addiction is not cured immediately, the disorder and the withdrawal symptoms will aggravate. It is likely for the symptoms to be more painful than any pain for which the drug was originally prescribed. But, it is possible to minimize these symptoms through consistent treatments that an outpatient or inpatient treatment facility offers.

Percocet abuse can lead to physical and mental dependence. When you have a family member who is experiencing the condition, it is vital to bring him to a rehabilitation center for an immediate treatment.

Jose Smith is a writer on topics about addiction to percocet and features of abuse of xanax

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