Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Four Crucial Indicators Of Drug Abuse

It's alarming to note that back in 2008, the cost of drug and alcohol abuse has reached more than $500 billion as indicated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Moreover, the effects of drug abuse have taken on the lives of the afflicted and the community. Hence, it is very important for us to be keen on the following signs of substance abuse:

1. Changes in the Body. The following physical changes indicate abuse of illegal drugs:

• Strange choices of clothing. A drug dependent hides the scars of the needle through using of long-sleeved tops in any weather condition.

• Poor individual hygiene

• Sleeplessness, hyperactivity, low energy, and oversleeping

• Delayed reaction, slow mental alertness, confusion, changes in mental condition, slurred speech

• Unexpected weight gain or loss

Moreover, inhaled illegal drugs frequently lead to severe respiratory illnesses while others lead to poor dental health.

2. Psychological Changes. Strange mental and emotional changes include the following:

• Irresponsibility

• Seclusion of self from individuals

• Depression, anxiety, irritability

• Having a world of his own

• Hallucinations • Paranoia

• Hyperenergetic

• Strangely loquacious

• Irritable

3. Addiction and Resilience. If a person is addicted to drugs, his tolerance raises in time. The body's need for greater amounts of drugs is unavoidable to prevent the afflicted from experiencing withdrawal symptoms. To sustain the high feeling, the drug addict will soon consider selling his properties.

4. Withdrawal Symptoms. Increased use of illegal drugs will mean that your tolerance will also increase. Thus, if your drug consumption decreases, withdrawal syndrome comes in, that include pain, rage, chills, tremors, anxiety, insomnia, excessive sweating and flu-like symptoms. The withdrawal syndrome pushes the drug dependent further down the quagmire. Therefore, specialists of drug treatment are needed to help alleviate the symptoms.

Indications of Teenage Addiction. Parents' instincts will certainly know whether an adolescent is undergoing some obscure and abrupt changes in behavior. Some indicators include sudden disinterest in school, sleep issues, old friends gone, strange new friends, and seclusion. If you feel that your adolescent is hooked, then you need to be able to consider drug rehabilitation programs to save your child's future.

Risk Signs. Genetics, pressure from peers, low emotional quotient, mental problems and inability to deal with discomfort are some of the factors that contribute to the risk of being a substance dependent.

Let us try to be watchdogs of our family, friends and colleagues. When there is a slightest indication of drug abuse, then do not waste time. Vigilance and assertiveness will be your equipment towards the prevention of substance abuse prevalence.

Jose Smith is an author on topics about drug treatment programs in Escondido and features of http://nationalsubstanceabuseindex.org/alabama/facilities.php

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