Monday, August 6, 2012

Health Issues Of Alcohol Or Medication Addiction

Many individuals often abuse alcohol and medicines in order to suit themselves in a group of friends, to ease existing emotional issues or to satisfy their interest. Consuming alcohol reasonably will not cause risky effects while taking medicines can always lead to certain issues depending on their strength and type.

Some people who drink alcohol are likely to use drugs to enjoy the maximum high feeling. Professionals from drugs and alcohol rehabilitation centers claim that both alcohol and medicines can cause critical health problems when used for a long period of time and at higher dosages. While the two substances impact the body in different ways, both of them can lead to issues individually.

Growth of Noncardiac Pulmonary Edema

Noncardiac pulmonary edema can be acquired by those who use heroin and cocaine. This is a problem that is caused by too many fluids in a person's lungs. These fluids leak from the lung air sacs' capillaries. Individuals who suffer from this condition will have breathing issues or wheezing. According to experts from drugs and alcohol rehabilitation centers, while pulmonary edema can be deadly, a client can have a good outlook when this condition is treated promptly together with other remedies for drug-related problem.

Cardiovascular Disease

Abusing cocaine will cause various negative effects. It directly influences a person's cardiovascular system as it causes constriction of blood vessels and increased blood pressure and heart rate. Other cardiovascular issues that occur because of cocaine abuse include abnormal heartbeats, chest pain, stroke and heart attack.


The use of heroin or cocaine intravenously through shared syringes and needles puts users at risk of acquiring HIV. Those who experience the illness are not able to fight viruses, fungi and bacteria that cause it. Symptoms of HIV include fever, weight loss, cough, diarrhea and difficulty breathing.

Alcoholic Hepatitis

Alcoholism can result in hepatitis, a serious liver disease. This is common to people who drink an excessive amount of alcohol at a prolonged period of time. Advance alcoholic hepatitis may result in symptoms like vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, mental confusion and jaundice.

Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy

Excessive drinking will cause the muscle cells of the heart to die and the harmed heart will not be able to pump sufficient amount of blood to other parts of the body. This condition is known as alcoholic cariodmyopathy. Symptoms of alcoholic cariodmyopathy include abnormal heartbeat, breathlessness, weakness and loss of appetite.

The consequences of alcohol or drug abuse on health can be fatal. Thus, if you have a loved one who is suffering from this illness, it is important to help him get an immediate treatment to avoid more health issues.

Want to find out more details about alcohol rehabs in Riverside? Kindly visit vital facts about alcohol rehabs in Saint Paul

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