Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Human Eyes - The Organs That Provide You With the Ability to See

Human eyes are vital organs that provide the possibility of vision to humans. They could also perceive the depth at which an object is placed. In addition to that they are able to differentiate between 10 million colors. Eyes of humans have several components such as the cornea, the lens and the retina. While the transparent cornea provides the protection to the eye, the lens focuses the light that falls on it on the retina in order to enable the eye to recognize an image.

It is essential for the health of your eyes that you visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year. There are different instruments that these kinds of doctors will use in order to make sure that your eyes are healthy. If you have your eyes checked on a yearly basis, the ophthalmologist will be able to diagnose any ailments that you may have and begin treating them before they cannot be cured. If you do not have any problems with your eyes treated immediately, then there is a possibility that you will lose your sight.

One of the most common issues that people experience with their eyes is irritation. There are numerous different reasons that your eyes can become irritated. You may have gotten a foreign object in your eye such as an eyelash, or your eyes may be dry. There are many people that have problems with itchy and irritated eyes because they have issues with allergies during certain times of the year. Another reason that your eyes may become irritated is if you do not get enough sleep, or you work at a job that requires you to strain your eyes such as people that work at a computer for most of the day.

Even if you have not had any problems with your eyes in the past, you may find that you begin to have issues as you get older. For example, there are many people that begin suffering from glaucoma when they get into the later stages of life. There is not anything that you can do in order to prevent this disease, but it is in your best interest to have it diagnosed as soon as you begin having symptoms. This disease is one that will cause you to lose your eyesight if it is left untreated.

If you have been told by the ophthalmologist that you need to wear glasses or use contact lenses, then you are either near sighted or farsighted. If you are near sighted, this means that you are able to see items that are close to your eyes, but you are unable to focus on objects that are farther away. Far sightedness is the opposite, and you are able to only see objects that are at a distance.


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