Saturday, August 11, 2012

Marriage Problems Caused By Substance Abuse

There are various problem variations which alcohol and drug abuse can bring to a person. Substance abuse can cause negative effects to family relationships especially when it comes to marriage. Through physical, emotional and mental effects which can occur due to substance abuse, it ruins the normal productive routine of the person as well as the healthy relationship from loved ones, friends, peers and spouse. Therapy should be immediately implemented because substance abuse can cause life-threatening complications and may lead to death if not treated.

Impaired Marital Satisfaction and Quality

When a couple is suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, marital stress arises due to the hostile and negative communication from the wife and husband. Substance abuse can create negative emotions and mental issues that can ruin the marriage relationship of the couple. The marital dissatisfaction occurs due to the impairment of a healthy communication. Anger and stress will later on grow into bigger problems that will disrupt the quality of the couple's relationship to each other.

Family Unit

The effects of substance abuse in a family unit will impair the everyday responsibilities in the household. The substance abuser will tend to be less functional at home, no time for family time and impaired relationship from children and other family members at home. The addict will tend to have greater absences and would not feel of going to work because he or she feels sick most often. The familial and professional obligations will be impaired and that are the indications which the family needs to seek assistance from the specialists of drug treatment centers.

Domestic Assault and Other Consequences

A partner can commit violent touch or domestic violence to the other party when intoxicated by serious alcohol and drug addiction. There is also an incidence of child abuse that due to addiction. Other consequences would include higher stress in the family, emotional and behavioral problems and there would be marital dissatisfaction.


There is a need for an intervention because drug abuse should be stopped before it causes huge effects on the family and the society. To manage substance addiction, it is best to send the addict to the experts of drug rehabilitation programs so that he or she would be given appropriate therapies and health care attention.

Marriage is a special relationship and bond among married couples. To aid a couple surpass the issues in substance addiction, it is necessary to treat the drug abuser to preserve the marriage and as well as to keep a healthy relationship among family members.

Jose Smith is an author on topics about drug treatment programs in Rockford and features of drug treatment programs in Salt Lake City

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