Saturday, August 11, 2012

Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms During Detoxification: The Importance Of Healthcare Administration

Alcoholism is a serious condition that is characterized by an intense craving for alcohol, failure to quit drinking the substance, physiological withdrawal symptoms and the need to ingest the substance to experience the same effect. Alcohol abusers who decide to undertake detox will experience the post acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS).

Any treatment for alcohol addiction should start with detox in order to remove the toxins of alcohol from the sufferer's body. During this procedure the individual will suffer from withdrawal symptoms as his body is restricted to consume alcohol, which means that he needs to fight the intense cravings. According to alcohol rehabs, the detoxification procedure should be performed under the supervision of medical specialists as the withdrawal symptoms can be serious. Post acute withdrawal symptoms include fatigue, irritability, mood swings, problem concentrating, disturbed sleep as well as memory and cognitive issues.


Many people consume alcohol in order to manage family and social anxiety. When they quit using alcohol to numb their fears, they are likely to feel afraid without any reason. Physical symptoms for anxiety include rapid heartbeat, dizziness or stomachache.

Cognitive Disruptions

When alcoholics get a remedy for their condition, they normally experience disturbed thoughts which can be annoying. Some specialists from alcohol treatment centers claim that these people may even complain of not being able to focus. They may also have cause and reasoning problems during the early stage of their recovery which often clear up after 6 to 12 months.

Mood Swings

When an individual is significantly drunk, chemical changes occur in the brain which damages the organ. After detoxification, they normally feel mood swings as alcohol used to manage their moods before they were treated. After getting sober, they may experience depression, irritability and anger.

Sleep Problems

When a person recovers from alcoholism, he normally has trouble sleeping. Indeed, this is more prone after 160 days of their sobriety. Out of 10 nights, most recovering alcoholics experience sleeplessness at an average of 4.4.

Memory Loss

Memory loss is one of the most common post acute withdrawal symptoms following alcohol detox. Most patients complain of short-term memory. During the beginning of an alcoholic's recovery, it is best that he avoids stressors and come up with a steady routine.

Alcohol addiction treatment begins with detoxification in order to free an alcoholic's body from the traces of alcohol. An individual who goes through detox should be medically supervised to make the process bearable.

You can take a look at alcohol rehab centers in Boston to know more about

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