Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reasons Why A Person Turns Into An Alcoholic

Based on studies, one factor that affects an individual is alcohol addiction. The truth is, 60 percent of those who do drugs or are alcoholic have genes that dictate them to turn into one. Nevertheless, it does not mean that, because one's mother or father or family member is alcoholic, he will eventually turn into one, too. There are many other elements that drive one to become overly addicted to alcohol.

Peer Pressure

There is no doubt that many of the alcohol abusers have become addicted to alcohol because of pressure from peers, especially in places that have a male-dominated culture. In these locations, a man who does not drink is deemed to be effeminate or a wimp. Of course, no man desires to be called such. In effect, they yield to the pressure of their peers, and shortly find themselves addicted to alcohol. Those who have become alcoholics seem to find it challenging to last a day without consuming alcohol any sort of liquor frequently. What is worse is that they do not only do social drinking but, more often than not, hit or go beyond their alcohol threshold level and start doing foolish things that drunk people do. Nevertheless, it is not only the males who have become addicted to alcohol as a result of pressure from peers; even females in many places today have become dependent on drinking even at a young age. If you know somebody who is an alcoholic, you have to know the how to help alcoholics by searching the web or consulting with experts in rehabilitation.

How Depression Turns A Person Into An Alcoholic

Aside from genetic makeup and social or pressure from peers, another thing that presses one to be an addicted to alcohol is despair. When we really come to think about it, it is typical for most people to drown their emotions in alcohol. Since of course, alcohol, for some people, does not only gives them a feel of freedom but satisfies their palates, too. However, if an individual consumes an abundance of alcohol until he gets intoxicated and forgets all his problems, he is likely to develop the habit of drinking heavily even if he has no worries. Many alcoholics think that alcohol is their best companion that will never leave them no matter what comes about. What lots of people who drink and get drunk fail to realize is that alcohol never solves their worries. In fact, they can even have greater challenges because of their addiction to it.

The Hazards Of Excessive Drinking

While many alcohol abusers find short-term relief in liquor, the truth of the matter is that they are at risk of producing more difficulties, especially those health-related ones. The most typical health risk that comes with people who drink heavily and regularly is damage of the liver. And, because alcohol dependents often lose their self-consciousness when the spirit has seized their brains, they are likely to end up in trouble due to their unguarded words and behavior. Hence, if you know somebody who is an addicted to alcohol, make sure that you speak to him into getting somebody that can help for alcohol.

There are many elements that can make one dependent on alcohol, and alcoholics need professional help. It is fine to drink alcohol occasionally, but drinking an excessive amount and being addicted to liquor will surely do no good to any person.

You can pay a visit to how to help an alcoholic to know more about help with alcohol abuse

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