Friday, August 10, 2012

Teen Excessive Drinking: Understanding The Signs Or Symptoms

Alcohol is a substance that is often abused by teens that may bring about long-term effects. Problems that have to do with alcohol may start at an early age and recognizing the signs and symptoms of excessive drinking among adolescents is necessary for therapy and prevention.

Excessive drinking in teens has become popular because of many influences in the current times. While teens can be influenced by their parents and friends to consume alcohol, the strong influence of the media can make a difference in their decision to experiment with the substance. According to many specialists from alcohol rehabs, the minds of adolescents may be too young to make a wise decision when it comes to alcohol consumption. Thus, they need the guidance of their parents as they fight alcohol temptations. Concerned parents should identify the symptoms of adolescent alcoholism to give them immediate help.

Physical Symptoms

When a life of an adolescent has been affected by alcohol, the sufferer will display physical signs and symptoms like watery eyes and fatigue. They may also have changes in their eating habits and sleeping behaviors. Depending on how frequent they overuse alcohol, it is likely that they put on weight. Adolescent alcoholism can also be determined in young individuals who have poor motor coordination, staggered walking and shaking hands.

Psychological Symptoms

Teens who abuse alcohol can suffer from mental disturbances and personality changes. In general, adolescent abusers tend to be irritable and moody as hormonal changes take place during a teen's development. Many specialists of alcohol rehabs say that teenagers who abuse alcohol may also show lack of interest in participating in activities that they used to consider as pleasurable, suffer from depression and low self-esteem. Additionally, these young individuals are likely to be destructive and argumentative as chemical change takes place in their body due to the consumption of too much alcohol.

Modifications in Social Behaviors

Young alcohol abusers may have educational troubles as they tend to lose interest in school. They may also refuse to take part in extracurricular activities and sports that were once pleasurable for them. These abusers tend to associate themselves with a new group of friends who often consumes alcohol. According to many studies, teens may be involved in reckless activities like unprotected sex which may lead to pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases.

Teens need the guidance of their parents to become aware of the danger of teenage drinking. It is necessary to identify the signs and symptoms of teen alcoholism to save the young sufferer from getting more health problems.

Want to know more information about alcohol rehabs in Lincoln? Kindly check out important facts about alcohol rehab centers in Jersey City

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