Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Connection Between Alcoholism And Neuritis

Neuritis is a medical condition exemplified by nerve swelling. This can either be caused by a disease or injuries. Women can get this by simply wearing high-heeled shoes so much or wearing tight footwear. This causes neuritis on the toes. Neuritis can develop just because of poor blood flow. It is that simple to suffer from neuritis that you really have to take care of your body. Alcoholism poses the risk that would lead you to suffer this disorder as too much alcohol intake can disrupt your system's usual functions. This is the reason behind many health problems and one of them is neuritis.

Through detox programs and specialized treatment for alcohol addiction, you can prevent your body from suffering these complications. If you are already suffering from the ill effects of alcohol addiction, it is better to do something now in order to prevent other health issues from developing. You may contact your local detoxification center and rehab centers for assistance.

Neuritis may not present a big dilemma at its early stages. You may feel a numbing or a tingling sensation on the affected regions of the body. Other individuals would develop sensitivity or tenderness to touch in the affected area. This can develop to muscle aches and spasms. If this progresses you can lose motor functions. Affected areas can also suffer from poor nutrition as the nerves that are responsible for this function may be affected. This can also lead to severe osteoporosis.

Nothing else would better compared to prevention. It would be best to manage your intake of alcohol before it even advances to dependence. If you have a family member who is in danger of suffering from this disorder, make sure to plan an early intervention. This would avoid the development of any health problems like neuritis that is brought about by prolonged use.

There are a lot of rehabilitation facilities offering professional help in treating alcoholism. There treatments that can be done in discretion. Apart from these, there are other organizations that do not even require confinement and alcoholics can find means to handle their addiction and still be able to maintain a healthy life. People who suffer this condition would feel more at ease through these programs. This creates hope and strengthens their will in order for them to defeat their addiction.

Joey Young is a writer on topics about and features of

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