Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Effects Of Prescription Drug Dependency Compromise Health

Prescription drugs like central nervous system depressants, narcotic painkillers and stimulants are addictive. While they are typically given by doctors to deal with certain disorders, anxiety and pain, a patient's health can be sacrificed because of the consequences of addiction. Those who abuse these medicines at an early age are likely to build up dependency over time.

Individuals who are dependent on prescription medications develop tolerance to the substance and feel the need to take more of the drugs for several times to have the same effect. They also tend to keep on taking the drugs because of their fear of experiencing withdrawal symptoms. According to prescription drug treatment professionals, prescription medicine addicts are likely to plan certain activities that revolve around drug use.

Withdrawal Symptoms

For prescription medication addicts, it is not easy to quit using the medicines abruptly. After a prolonged drug use, their body may have developed dependency on the substance. Whenever they don't ingest the medicines as their body needs, they may experience restlessness, nausea, depression, insomnia, trembling, pain, anxiety and sweating. The risks of withdrawal require addicts to be supervised by a medical expert to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological Effects

Just like any other form of drug addiction, addiction to prescription medications affects addicts physiologically and mentally. They may have attitude and personality changes. They are likely to endure irritability, mood swings and anger. An addict's actions can be impacted by these symptoms which result in issues at work, school and home. Most drug addicts will undergo money, legal and relationship issues.

Identifying The Problem

For those who are not sure whether they are dependent on prescriptions drugs, they should evaluate if they feel that they can't quit using the substance. Some drug addiction rehab professionals say that drug abusers may also feel relaxed and calm when they continue to use the substances.

Drugs that are Often Abused

Prescription medicines like narcotics, opioids and pain-killers such as Percocet, OxyContin and Vicodin are commonly over used by clients. Benzodizepines are also abused by people who want to minimize their anxiety and stress. These include Ativan, Klonopin and Xanax. In addition, Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants that may also be abused by sufferers.

Those who have been dependent on prescription medications should be evaluated by physicians before they quit taking the drugs. There are medications that can cause critical side effects when stopped abruptly. Prolonged addiction can also cause health concerns over time. There are available rehab clinics for prescription medication addicts who want to get a remedy for their condition.

Joey Young is a writer on topics about Pennsylvania prescription drug treatment and features of Pennsylvania drug addiction rehab center

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