Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Harmful Effects Of Using Meth

Among the many illegal substances that are widely used by drug users, there is no denying that methamphetamine is one of the most widely used despite the huge price tag that comes with it. After all, a lot of those who are into meth addiction state that they encounter extreme rush of euphoria, energy, concentration, confidence, and sexual desire. But, in order for the first-time consumers to experience that feeling once again, they need to take the substance in higher dosage. However, a lot of those who have been hooked on this substance seem to undermine the side effects of utilizing it for a long time.

How Methamphetamine Affects The Brain

If an individual becomes hooked on meth, the chemical make up of his brain becomes is altered. Eventually, the connection of the brain to its center of pleasure is damaged. Hence, it becomes extremely difficult for an individual who uses it continuously to experience satisfaction in the long run. Although medical studies have confirmed that the destroyed tissues can grow again, the treatment will take a really long time. Additionally, there is that big likelihood for the process to be unfinished. Therefore, an individual who once used this substance, and eventually stopped, may never enjoy the same type of satisfaction he had before the damage of that part of the brain. Many of the meth users who have already quit have impaired memory, poor judgment, along with other symptoms that are related to Parkinson's Disease. These are some of the irreversible effects of crystal meth addiction. These people can only wish they could turn back time and undo the wrong decisions that they made in the past.

Violent Behaviors Of Meth Users Explained

Just like other drugs that stimulate, meth also aids in the production and release of high amounts of adrenaline. Therefore, a meth dependent can experience increase panic, insomnia, and intense concentration. In fact, this is one reason why meth dependence is typical to many teens because it makes them conscious and concentrated when studying for a series of exams. However, because of sleeplessness and increased focus, people who use this illegal substance also become more intense, hyperactive, and violent. Those who are heavily addicted to this illegal substance can even experience fear and delusions.

Increased Sexual Appetite

It can't be denied, though, that one of the most nasty effects of being dependent on this drug is the undeniable increase of a person's libido as his sexual inhibitions drop considerably. While it is true that this substance is not an aphrodisiac, it stimulates the release of higher levels of dopamine, which makes a person feel more confident and desirable. According to a former meth user, unprotected sex frequently occurs for meth users. This increases their risk to HIV and hepatitis.

Despite the satisfaction that it supplies to those who utilize it, there is no denying that the downsides that comes with being hooked on meth is not worth all the fleeting pleasure that comes with it. It can be likened to the apple that Eve used to tempt Adam.

You can check out methamphetamine abuse to know more about meth abuse

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