Monday, August 13, 2012

The Three Environmental Factors That Causes Alcoholism

Many experts believed that genetics play a part in a person's addiction to alcohol. People who have a family history linked with alcohol drinking issues are more prone to alcoholism. But in most cases, the strongest influence merely comes from the environmental factors that promote drinking and make it difficult for many individuals to avoid the habit of consuming alcohol more than necessary.

According to medical specialists from alcohol rehabilitation centers, alcoholism could pass down from one family to another. However, this is not specifically the cause for all cases of addiction. Some individuals can abuse other substances like prescription and illegal drugs and develop addictive personality behaviors from environmental factors such as family, friends and society.

Family Problems

Many parents who are abusing alcohol may bring up children who will have more positive views about alcoholism. Some experts of alcohol rehabilitation centers said that drinking frequently and having a variety of drinks at home may develop future alcohol consumption problem for the children. Unless parents teach them about the damaging effects of alcoholism, the favorable ideas on addiction would stay in their minds until they grow up. If alcohol is making problems in the family, most young individuals will experience a high level of stress and emotional pain which may influence them to start seeking comforts from alcohol putting them at risk of building alcohol dependency.

Having friends who are heavy drinkers may also influence someone to abuse alcohol. The strong temptations can be noticed more in teenagers who start drinking at an early age. This situation could create chances for an individual to be addicted to alcohol. In many cases, teenagers drink just to fit in with their peer group. Parents are advised to warn their children about the risks of alcoholism and take realistic disciplinary steps before they can create issues in the society.

Community Factors

The society or community where a person is living will influence his lifestyle. For many people it would be more difficult to avoid the temptation of bad drinking habits when you are in the atmosphere with communities that consider drinking a part of life. Most adults can develop their alcohol consumption problems in local bars, pubs and clubs that promote drinking. Although consuming alcohol on occasion maybe harmless for some individuals, this situation often leads others to abuse the substance. Young people can also develop their drinking habits from televisions, movies and advertisings where alcohol is glamorized.

Alcohol dependency can make a person unable to resist the cravings in real life no matter what genetic links he may possess. Early education about alcohol that shows people the detrimental effects of heavy drinking can be the smartest choice to prevent them from abusing the substance.

You can go to to know more about alcohol treatment centers in Kansas city

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