Monday, August 6, 2012

The Way Family Members Are Troubled By Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a condition that can harm the physical, psychological and emotional health of both the alcoholic and his family. It is viewed as a family disease as its consequences can lead to dysfunctional habits and tasks of all members of the family.

Each relative can be impacted by a loved one's alcohol dependency in a different way. Parental addiction to alcohol can impact the children even those who are still in the womb of their mother. Alcohol dependency in children can make parents irritated and may come up with poor choices when thinking of punishing an alcoholic child. According to alcohol rehab program experts, families can experience damaging effects of alcohol abuse.

Maternal Responsibility

Mothers who are abusing alcohol are likely to suffer intense stress and depression which disable them to respond to what their children want. Many alcohol rehab program experts claim that mothers who are dependent on the substance may have low self-esteem and may not have the power to care for their kids. It is also likely for them to be violent.

Incarceration of Parents

Alcohol offenses have been a common reason why parents need to serve some jail time. A lot of parents become involved in committing violations just to get money to buy alcohol. Also, when they are intoxicated by alcohol, they may become hostile and end up with committing crimes. Because of imprisonment, behavioral concerns among family members and family separation may follow.

Effects on Kids

Children are prone to experimenting with alcohol and other substances because of their natural desire and the aim of having to fit in their group of friends. When dependent on the substance, children may have constrained success in life and have a ruined physiological development. In addition, babies who are still in the womb of their mother can be impacted by alcohol when the mother continues to drink the substance while pregnant. Such alcohol use may lead to fetal defects, addiction in newborns and fetal alcohol syndrome.


Chronic alcohol dependency can lead to severe health problems that can be fatal. Alcohol dependency can seriously damage an alcoholic's liver which may lead to cirrhosis as his liver is scarred. Cirrhosis has been the cause of many deaths.

Alcohol addiction affects not only the addicts but also the closest people around him. A concerned family member who detects alcoholism in any of his loved one should find a way to acquire immediate help for the sufferer to avoid more problems to his health.

Joey Young is a writer on topics about alcohol rehab program in Kentucky and features of alcohol rehab program in Kentucky

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