Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ways Alcohol Addiction Impacts An Individual's Personality

Alcohol addiction is a condition that is characterized by a dependency on alcohol. Alcohol-related illnesses have been the reason for a lot of deaths each year. An alcohol addict endures particular mental and physiological changes as they overuse the substance.

An addict will find it hard to stop drinking alcohol which eventually causes various effects that can be physical, psychological and emotional. According to many specialists of alcohol treatment, when an alcoholic attempts to stop drinking, he is likely to go through withdrawal symptoms that vary depending on the severity of his alcoholism. The effects of alcoholism often shows in a person's personality.

Personality changes in alcoholics vary by person. While some experience a euphoric effect after they ingest alcohol, others may experience depression and anger. An alcoholic's motor skills and thinking ability can be decreased because of intoxication. These effects may result in personality changes that involve focus and judgment.

For many experts of alcohol rehabilitation centers, alcohol addiction can be recognized because of personality changes. Alcoholics often display symptoms like lack of personal hygiene, confusion and hostility when they are confronted for their alcohol problem. Most alcoholics may also have episodes of violence when they are intoxicated.

An alcoholic's central nervous system can be impacted by an excessive drinking. This leads to tension and anxiety. The central nervous system is important in processing, consolidating and retrieving information. Alcohol will serve as a depressant to the system which may break down after an extended use of the substance.

Moreover, when an individual withdraws from alcohol, he will show certain personality changes like psychosis, anxiety and confusion. Psychosis includes mental changes like paranoia, depression and mania. A lot of individuals turn to alcohol because of depression. But some studies claimed that depression can be enabled when a person abuses alcohol.

Alcohol dependency can lead to obsessive and compulsive behavior that has to do with the need to consume alcohol. The habit can cause problems with co-workers and family members. In some cases, an alcoholic may be involved in dangerous or illegal activities.

Those who are dependent on alcohol often deny their problem. Such denial will stop them from acquiring help and it manifests in their thoughts and attitudes about their habit. It is also likely that these people will blame others for their drinking. Denial is also likely to lead them to think that they can handle everything about their habit.

Because of the evident personality changes that may be displayed by alcoholics, family members can determine their alcohol issue and help them get an immediate treatment. Alcohol addiction will change an alcoholic's thinking and behavior which can be risky for him and others.

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