Sunday, November 25, 2012

Incident Management Training Is Critical When Pursuing A Security Management Degree

A security management degree is becoming the degree of choice for those interested in the field of security. The degree has application from public services at the local and federal level, to private corporations. Beyond security administration, physical security, risk management and security assessments, security management incorporates incident management training, which is vital to the success and well-being of an organization.

The standard of training in a security management degree program involves detailed analysis of the three basic functions of a security program: detection, delay, and response. Within these three categories lie specialties in which students can focus their training/education. The design of the program helps students understand the limitations of security and how to reduce gaps in those limitations by using overlapping layers of security.

In addition to physical security applications, security management involves the administration of the security program. Often this means hiring and firing, and the legal aspect involved, as well as the legal aspect of the security program itself. The job that used to be covered by a simple bodyguard is now manned by a highly trained professional.

No matter how well a protection or security operation is planned, there will always be a chance of a threat being able to penetrate the defenses and cause harm. In many instances the harm may not be from a malicious act, but accidental. In either case the protection specialist must know how to react in order to reduce the damage caused by the threat. Often the responsibility of establishing or maintaining an incident response procedure is given to the security manager.

Incident management training is a course of instruction designed to educate students on principles designed to mitigate critical incidents. Many security management degree programs require students to take these courses as part of the prerequisite for graduation. Elective courses are often available for further in-depth training of incident management.

The surface concept of incident management is the pre-planning of responses of a team who are tasked with dealing with a critical incident. Due to the complexity and operational needs of organizations with multiple departments or divisions, it is imperative that incident management team members be designated and begin the planning and training process. Each member of the organization's incident management team must understand his or her role and what their steps should be if and when the time comes to be deployed in a response capacity.

The role of a security manager is a fast changing and evolving profession. Gone are the days when the role was filled by ex-police officers or others with limited exposure to the needs of private business. The modern security manager is able to obtain a security management degree from a school designed for or specializing in the area of protection management. Many of these schools understand the need to maintain the operations of the organization and offer incident management training. These schools know all too well that an organization with a proper incident management policy has the tools and knowledge to prevent a critical incident from becoming a crisis.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, security management degree, incident management training, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

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